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Distinguished member
Apr 12, 2011
Princess Anne
On Saturday, my PALS`completed the 2nd year of living after Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis was made official to us on April 21, 2010.

Oh my goodness ~~~~ TWO YEARS OF LIVING. I think about adaptations we have made both physically and emotionally to our lives and I am overcome with emotion. While his freedom of movement and or mobility has certainly been diminished (HE IS IN A POWER WHEEL CHAIR) along with the muscle weakness limiting his ability to accomplish everyday activities, we continue to live each day as it were the last.

We look to researchers with a sense of hope as new therapy develops and technology contributes to the increase in life expectancy for our loved ones with this most humbling of diseases.
I admire you very much G! Love to you and yours. We choose living with rather than dying of!
Thank you miss martie pie..... my very helpful member ~~~~~~
Your attitude is wonderful! Keep up all that positivness. It has lifted me up today and reminded me to Live day to day with graditude. {{Hugs}}
That is a great thing to celebrate! Live laugh and love everyday! It sounds like the progress is about the same. My 2 year is April 27th. Good thoughts coming your way!
Many thanks. Good thoughts for you on the 27th of this month, also. April 2010 must have been quite a month for neurologists all over the country, delivering this news.
That's how I feel too! Enjoy life!
Our anniversary is May 21st. They actually diagnoised him the year before that but all the doctors thought the other doctors had told him, never mentioned it to us though.
Uplifting posts! A dose of cheer! Just what the doc tor ordered.
You set a fine example for all of us my friend :)
Congratulations on living with ALS for two years. Your relationship seems strong and loving. It's great how you enjoy each other everyday. Yasmin.
Congratulations on the two year mark. Prayers goingo out to you both for a continuation of your very positive outlook.
Thank you all for your good wishes. We have challenges, most definitely, but we know who is in control every day and who is the director of our lives.
So glad that you were able to celebrate two challenging years. Thanks so much for thinking about me.
Such great news for you and hubby. A true milestone and something to celebrate. I wish you both well.
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