Recent Emg, muscle/ neurological problems

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New member
Aug 24, 2015
been having muscle/ neurological problems for many years and recently had an emg and was wondering if i should be concerned about the results.

here is the report,

This study is abnormal, Scant positive sharp-waves were noted in some muscles, including the paraspinal muscles with questionable myopathic motor units in the paraspinal muscles. there is also evidence of mild compression in the right median nerve. I consider a myotonic disorder despite the absence of clinical myotonia. I recomond refferal to our academic neuromuscular colleagues for assesment.:-?
It didn't say denervation. I'm no expert on EMGs, but it didn't remind me of the ALS EMG's I've seen. The doctor says he suspects a myotonic disorder.

The doctor noted that you had an "absence of clinical myotonia." So what, exactly are the symptoms that make you think you might have ALS?

With myotonia, I guess you would have weakness and atrophy, but I'm not a doctor so I won't attempt to diagnose you. I do know ALS fairly well and can give you some insight on that.

When ALS starts, it is not widespread. It is focused typically on a hand or foot muscle, sometimes the tongue. For example, my wife's ALS started in her foot. She fell down for no reason. Then the rest of the foot muscles were paralyzed, then her leg was paralyzed, then it worked upward to her hands, trunk and finally her tongue, face, and eyes. You see, ALS moves in a generally serial pattern, either bottom to top or top to bottom.

Is that the way it has progressed in you?

Another thought: You said you had problems for many years. If you had ALS for many years, you would probably be severely disabled or dead by now.
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