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Distinguished member
Nov 27, 2007
I had posted here earlier on having sudden onset of flu like symptoms while having some of my IVIG treatments. I went to the Dr. this past Monday and while I was there I had my pickline flushed out. It had been 3 weeks since it had been flushed out. When the nurse flushed the 2nd line out I felt my face get real warm and I noticed I had difficulty swallowing a couple times, then my nerves felt like they were contracting in my back below my shoulders. It made it's way down to my waist and went across my waistline. After a period of a few minutes it all subsided. Afterwards we went to eat and I noticed my appetite wasn't real good, and then I started feeling cold. On the way home I couldn't warm up and then my head started hurting and nausea set in, followed by loose bowel movement. This is the same thing I experienced with some of my IVIG treatments, other than the hot flash and nerve contractions. It took me about 3 days to get my strength back as usual. Has anyone else ever experienced this with not only IVIG treatments, but flushing of a line also? Would appreciate anyone's input. Thanks, Jake
Hi Jake,

I do not have a pick line, so I cannot coment on that. But I know we have talked about meds for side effects of IVIG. You did not mention getting them. Did you get them? I have had no side effects from the IVIG since I have had the pre meds. Please ask for them if you have not tried them yet. Sincerely, Peg

He gave me a prescription for tylenol and benedryl I think it was when I went Monday to see him. He suggested that I take the treatments once a week for 8 more weeks. After I left him and went and got the lines flushed and I had the reaction, I am reluctate about continuing them. I have to go to a clinic on the 18th and talk to them about treating the Hepatitus B virus I have been carrying for over 20 yrs. The internal medicine Dr. seems to think there's a chance this may be what has triggered the nerve/muscle disorder in my body. Btw Peg, did you get the private message I sent you a few months ago? Thanks, Jake
Jake- what do they use to flush out the pick line and might you be allergic to it? Just a thought....
The nurse said she only used saline solution, but during the treatments they were using Heparin. I have also noticed everytime the lines were flushed I could smell and felt like I tasted the medicine. I'm just wondering since it had been 3 weeks since they were last flushed, maybe they had some residue in them leftover. Jake
Jake do you have to have a pick line? Hubby who gets IVIG two days a month does not have one. They just put in a regular IV each day. I know pick lines can be good, but risk of infection increases.

Hi - I did write you back on your private email. I will send you another in a few days, unless you find it. Peg
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