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G - now we can add one more thing we have in common....serotonin reaction. I cannot take ANY of them. Seems something is causing chaos on our system!
Seritonin in me is like fuel to the fire-- thanks
What is BFS? Brisk reflexes? My husband is in the early stages of being examined, has progressive muscle weakness, muscle atrophy, instability, he has these small movements under his skin, like twitching, he doesn't feel them though. He has no pain, numbness or tingling anywhere. Negative MRI, notable nerve damage in left leg resulting in drop foot, showing signs of nerve abnormalities in right leg and abnormal yet inconclusive results in arms. Dr. are reluctant to call it A.L.S. yet won't rule it out either. Seeing specialist at U.S.C. Dr. Beydoun whose speciality is Myasynthis Gravis. Will he be knowlegable enough to diagnose A.L.S. if that's where we are headed?
Benign Fasiculation Syndrome is BFS, random twitches without atrophy, weakness, but can include cramps, and stiffness. I really hope they find that your husband has MG, but if not you have come to a great place, with many helpful, patient people. Keep us posted on your journey. Hoping
total body twitchs-newbie

Im a 28 year old male whos grandmother and father both died form als. I know your not doctors but wanted a consensus of typical symptoms and the possibilty of als skipping generations or just affecting everyone who has a family member with the disease. Im also curious of how als affects the Young and physically active individual. Ive been working out for over 10 years and have allways eaten high amounts of fruits and vegatables. But lately i really started to recognize twitching in random areas and even localized for short periods. I dont have any limb weakness, but have experienced cramps in my forearms and foot after flexing it hard or after a workout .Mostly its in the muscle ive trained the previous day. The twitching occurs when the muscle is relaxed not when im walking or exercising. These are small and cant be seen from the outside of the skin. Im going to see a specialist ASAP but was very worried because im not sure what else could cause twitchs and for all i know this could have been going on for years i just ignored it and ruled out the possibility it was als.

thankx Dion
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