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Distinguished member
Nov 27, 2007
Hello Everyone~

I just wanted to update on what has been happening with some of my symptoms, since the early summer time.

My neurologist noticed a 'slight' quiver in my voice. I said, "I hadn't noticed". Over the last 9 months, or so, it has gotten exceedingly worse. Time to visit the 'Otolaryngologist'.

My appointment was today, and I had no clue what he would say, or do. He heard the quivering in my speech, so out came the numbing spray, for the back of my throat, and the 'flexible lavyngoscopy' (I made him write it down) and the small tube was inserted up my nose, and down my throat. He said this procedure was really like a small endoscopy.

He made me make noises sounding like (eeeee) a few times, and then just relax vocal cords. He asked me to swallow once.

He said that my vocal cords are smooth, but at rest they are 'quivering' and have a tremor. He gave me a diagnoses of "Spasmodic Dysphonia".

He noted my head tremor, and also my hands. I showed him my atrophied body parts. The only thing I could think to ask was, could it be related to what is already going on in my body? I didn't even think to ask, if I would lose my voice. :(

He said that he felt everything was connected, and it was neurological in nature. Referring me back to neuro.

I did call the office when I came to my senses, and asked about the voice issue. I was told that the voice will get worse, but I should keep it.

If any one of you kind people have any issues like these, I would be happy for any help.

Thanks much!

My voice is weak, lower tones are harder than higher pitches to project, & my vocal cords are bowed. My doctor has noted that they tend to spasm when she is having me make the various sounds, but they have not had a tremor that I'm aware of when they're at rest just the atrophy.

It looks like you're getting closer to some answers, please let me know what happens next!
Hi Rose...Thanks for your concern, and sharing the issues that you face. Have docs said whether you will keep your voice?

When I walked away, and I thought about the words he used...(quiver/spasm) I couldn't help but wonder if it was a type of 'fasciculation'. He also said that it was muscle/nerve related. I have no clue how any of this works.

Of course I will keep you informed of any new developments.

On a lighter, happier note, I am going 'wedding dress' shopping with my daughter tomorrow. She will me married this summer. She is the last of my daughters to be married. :-D

Have a good evening, and have a 'very' Happy Valentines Day!
That sounds like fun ~ wedding dress shopping, how appropriate for Valentines day :)

I think it is a good sign that the doctor did not note atrophy. Were you given a photo to take home with you from your session with the videostoboscopy?

I honestly don't know enough about it to give you much in the way of information. I do know that there are 4 muscles (at least I think I know LOL) that are responsible for their movement. I also know that sometimes botox is used to relax them, maybe when there is the quaver, not sure, but you could ask.

I went through a procedure where my doctor injected mine with a filler (similar to collagen used for cosmetic wrinkle injections) to close the gap, unfortunately, for whatever reason this really ddin't help my voice at all, the filler has all absorbed at this point, and there are no plans to repeat it.

My voice is weak, its more of a loss of volume and range of tones than a quaver, although I guess there is one. If I start counting (say, 1-30) by the number 4 it starts to trail off, and by 30 I'm no longer audible I do well enough in short sentences/fragments, and like I'd said before, with higher pitches, I can talk "baby talk" to the animal menagerie here much better than I can carry on a conversation with a person.

We have not specifically addressed if I will keep my voice, I do not think it is known, quite frankly.

Some sounds are made without our vocal cords anyway, but of course they're needed for most vocal tones.

Enjoy your weekend, and remember that even though the doctor saw something physically to explain how you sound, that is better than NOT seeing anything (in my book) and apparently he did not observe bowing or atrophy either (?) or talk about vocal cord paresis (which is what the paperwork always describes mine as) Let me know what you find out :)

Wedding dress shopping sound like MUCH more fun than having a scope in your nose and down your throat!

I wish you the best!

Hi Rose....You know what, it didn't dawn on me that he was taking a picture while doing the procedure. :?: I thought he could just see it 'visually' with his little scope thing.

I don't know if 'video ostoboscopy' is the same as what I had. (flexible lavyngoscopy)? In an regard, now I will have to call and ask, or wait for the neurologist to call him.

Thank goodness I didn't hear the word 'atrophy'...I would have fainted. (not really, but it 'is' good for drama) Bad enough my brave husband waited in the car. :roll:

He did say that I could have botox, but it wasn't his recommendation.

My quivering gets worse the longer I speak, (about 5 words) but my voice doesn't get softer....That I am aware of.

Thanks so much Rose....for helping me out.

Hello Cindy~Really, not a bad procedure. It all happened rather quickly. It was much better than being prepped for a colonoscopy. :wink:

The wedding dress shopping was a success! We have a bride! :-D No tears from me, til dad comes to see her in the dress. He is a real sucker for his little girls.
Thinkin' of ya LoveLily!

I'm sorry that you are having more problems with symptoms....

On the happier side you have your daughters wedding coming up and have something to distract you from your own problems.
Wow, it's great that 1 day of dress shopping was a success.

I am sorry you are having new problems, but maybe this will bring you closer to an answer.

A WEDDING YEA! My daughter got married in June, the day just didn't last long enough and dress shopping for us was a nightmare, glad your's went good. My daughter is very simple and we still have the first 1,000.00 dress she bought to try to be elaborate and they would not take it back. But the day was wonderful and every time I see her, I wonder where my little girl went. She still visits 1 or 2 times a week to remind me she is still my little girl. I have pics of her wedding posted under profile and she still had to stay with me Christmas Eve.

They never outgrow mom, ask my 25 year old in my basement.LOL
Oh my guys are the best! PDaddy~you rock! I keep you all in my prayers.

lost...This is my 3rd wedding in as many years~Yikes. :shock: I knew when my little girls grew up they would all go at once, just like they came. This is my middle child. (yes, she has middle child syndrome).

The funny thing about her being in the middle, is that me and hubby were 'always' (still are) trying to prove our love for her. Coddled, comforted, you wish is our command! She knows it, I think she just likes all the fuss.

I'll take a look at your pics. My feeling is that every bride is like a different flower in a garden. Who can say which one is lovelier?

Did your daughter ever try to sell the dress on the internet? Or maybe she just likes playing dress up.

Hi Crystal...All the planning certainly keeps you more than busy. There is 'no' time to think about yourself. It's all about the bride. That's a good thing.

Thanks for thinking of me.

I hope you all had a nice Valentines Day!

I thank you for the comment on my daughters pic. She really is like a lily. I don't know what child syndrome she would have, I guess the baby of the older kids syndrome. With 7 there are a lot of middle children.
Hi Lost...when coming from a large family~me included, it should be 'the more the merrier, syndrome'!

Have a good night! Off to watch 'House', then '24'. Gotta love Jack! :D

I agree, the more the merrier, but I am done.

I love House but have never seen 24. Goodnight


I am contacting you, as I am a member of the National Spasmodic Dysphonia Internet welcome Committee. I am sorry if you may have SD but there are a lot of resources to help.

Please contact me by email for more info.

I have aDductor type spasmodic dysphonia plus voice tremor. My voice catches as I strain to talk. The tremor in my speech is an intermittent quivering and staccato sounding voice. Some people have a weak, breathy type voice. When there is extra tension in my life, my voice is worse, but tension is not the cause of SD, it is a neurological malfunction. I have had 30 treatments with Botox over a 14 year period and this clears up my voice for 3 - 4 months. I also use speech therapy to help me manage my voice and to use the best speech techniques for the SD type voice.

Yours in Rare Voice! Dot

Dot Sowerby, NSDA Board of Directors
Greensboro, NC 27408
E-Mail: [email protected]
Hate to be the Devil's advocate here but if anyone contacts the above individual and finds them to be not what they have posted, let me know.

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