Questions about Symptoms

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Jul 11, 2019
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Hi there,

I am a little worried about some symptoms I’m having and hence this is the reason I am posting. I would like to thank anyone who takes the time to respond as well. I’m just looking for some advice.

I am a 25 year old male and I work in a high stress job. My story spans over several years however, I’ll keep it short. About 4-5 years ago in college I developed mostly kinetic tremors in my hands, arms, face, and legs. Also, at night sometimes it would feel like my legs and body were vibrating when my body was at rest. So I did a quick online search and it led me to believe I had Parkinson’s disease. However, after worrying about it for a year I forgot about it an moved on. The tremors have always remained.

Then fast forward to February of this year, I started realizing that my calves were twitching (not sure how long this was going on prior). Then I google twitching and it brought up a lot of Neurological diseases and it got me kinda worried. Within the next week I got twitching everywhere from my feet, chin, neck, arms, and legs.

However, I bike and run daily and I haven’t noticed any change in my exercise strength since the twitching started in February, although I do get sore more easily. The twitching has remained the constant in both calf’s and feet, and occasionally throughout the rest of my body. I I also have started looking at my tongue which I have stopped of recently. When I stick it out, my tongue doesn’t sit still (like it tremors) and I feel like it may have some atrophy on it. However, I have no slurred speech, no swallowing troubles, I can move my tongue side to side quickly and puff out my cheeks with my tongue.

I have an appointment on Aug 16th with a neurologist so that’s a start. I guess my question is does this sound like the way ALS presents itself or should I relax a little bit? Does this sound like the start of bulbar ALS? I know I’m younger but it still occasionally occurs in younger adults. Could it be other things as well?! Thank you once again for any responses!!
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Relax/no, it does not.

Time to reconsider diet, stretching, hydration, sleep and stress [e.g. the high-stress job or ways to better cope], while awaiting the appointment that I am sure will reassure you.

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