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New member
Jun 20, 2017
Learn about ALS
CA - California
San Francisco
Well first of all I would like to tell everyone how much respect I've got for the people fighting the disease and for those that are helping their family members to fight. You are a great and brave people
I will try to keep it as short as possible, but I do have to give some background info.
So I am a 19 y/o male with no known als history in family. (Yes I know, I'm too young, sorry for being hypochondriac, just have a question to ask)
Few months ago I lost my mother to cancer and basically been constantly stressed out since then. I've made up so many diseases for myself that thoughts of als, shouldd sound pretty ususal and common to me to just disregard them as another quirk and go on with my life. But the twitching...
So about 3 weeks ago, I have developed a fear of a brain tumor. At that moment my compaint was only the small and infrequent headaches + feel of being dumb. No other symptoms. I had to contact my GP regarding the surgery that I have to have for a benign thing that I've got growing in my mouth (over which I was also stressed out) and I asked her about what I have to watch out for regarding tumors too. At that moment I was sure about not having any balance problems or anything, enough to specifically mention it in my question.
Few days later the balance problems started. Not that I ever fallen, but I did and still have some awkwardness in my gain. Which made me stress out even more. Like a lot. I was constantly researching types of tumors and symptoms and etc. I also noticed that one of my eyelids is different from another and while before I was thinking of it as just a part of my physiology, that got me even more scared. I did have an uncomfortable feels in my head which are gone now but seemed quite serious at that time only proved my concerns
After a while I calmed down, and realised how unlikely is it for me to have something. It was fine. Until I felt that one of my arms feels different from another. I wouldn't say that one felt weak and one didn't, more like one felt fuller than another. Quick research led me to ALS
The same evening the twitching began. it was I think your standard Bfs twiching all over my body
either when I'm sitting around at my computer or laying down (foot-arm-chest, ear-leg-foot) etc and lasted for a few days. Possbile bubar symptoms began too with watey saliva and me ending up with the wet mouth cornes and finding myself with an opened lips sometimes. Which also seems like a symptom of bfs. I was still able to walk around, at my work I was okay with working full shift standing up and was able to walk for 2 miles no problem. Few days later, the twiching shifted to my legs and feet only. Then I noticed supposed weakness. I was barely able to do even 2 squats, was barely able to stand in my toes without losing balance and did have a harder time walking up the stairs. Felt that two of my figers stated to go, was harder to move them and they were stiff, but they came back alright the next day. Also had troubles grabbing stuff, but never was unable to, just it would take me one more try to grab onto something comfortably
Few days more and twitcing sorta came back to my hands and chest. Ralrely though, but still I would get an occasional arm twich or a chest twich. Few more days and I think it got better. I was able to kinda do at least 10 squats and was able to stand on my toes easily. Had no noticable walking problems either. Bulbar problems seemed to be gone and I felt quite alright. Twitching decreased to 2-4 sets per evening and everything seemed good.
Now for about 3 days the twicing has been back. It is still mostly in my legs although happens all over my body including face. Twitches are more well defined up to my whole hand jerking up. I also have tremors, i.e. shaking like a cartoon character like if I was scared or cold. And I am back to having harder time standing my my toes or doing squads. And I do feel some sort of hardness in my muscles.
Also been trying to measure them for atrohy although I know I shouldnt do that, because I'm gonna keep ending up "finding" something.
I haven't yet gone to the doctor, because I don't want to waste my money, their and my time,and if they decide to do more testing that will be extra stress. Plus it hasn't when been a month of me twicing.
So statistics aside, what I wanted to clarify for myself is:
1) If that was als, twiching wouldn't be my primary concern, right? It would be the weakness, one that I am not wondering "hmm, is that it?' but one that would make me go to the doctor. And the weakness would be there for a while before the twiching begins. Not just 4 days.
2) twitches all over the body, are a good sign? If I had alsz the twitching would be very localised at first i.e. finger and then spread to one hand and then arm and then some other limb and etc?
3) Als, doesn't just get better for a bit and then gets worse again, right?
4) the weakness would be hard to not notice and I wouldn't have to wonder if it's the one I'm looking for?
5) it wouldn't have developed in 3 weeks?

Thank you for taking the time to read my thing and I hope you'll understand
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Hey there-

I am sorry for the loss of your mum. That is a profound loss that can sometimes take many years to even partially recover from.

I'll be straight with you. You don't belong on an ALS forum. You need to visit with a doctor. You have listed a HUGE amount of stuff, none of which screams ALS. You need real and personal medical care, which you can not receive via the internet.

Please, visit with a primary care giver and let them know what your physical symptoms are and make sure you get the medical care that is appropriate for your needs.

Best wishes
1) Correct.
2) Also correct.
3) Ditto.
4) Double ditto.
5) Only in an acute viral or bacterial infection would this combination come into play, and in such a case, as you note, we would expect fever, clinical weakness, pain.

While you say you don't want to waste a your and a doctor's time, anyone responding here will have had their time wasted, and theirs is more limited than yours. So don't expect any more responses.

I'm sorry for the loss of your mom, and she would want you to live life to the fullest, not spending any more time here or in worry. Perhaps one day you can do some things to help others who do not have the abilities that you do.

Hey guys, just wanted to thank you for your help and support for me and all hypochondriacs that come to this board
I went to my PCP, she said that since the twitches are all over the place and they do get better occasionally, they are most likely just stress related. She did give me a small neuro exam, not sure if she tested me for hyperreflexia though, but hey, she knows better
Thanks again and good luck
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