Lead exposure as a risk factor for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
BACKGROUND: The etiology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) likely involves an environmental component. We qualitatively assessed literature on ALS and lead exposure. Problems of study design make case reports and studies of lead in blood or tissues difficult to interpret. Most previous case-control studies found an association of ALS with self-reported occupational exposure to lead, with increased risks of 2- to >4-fold. However, these results may have been affected by recall bias. OBJECTIVE: To address inconsistencies among published reports, we used both lead biomarkers and interview data to assess lead exposure, and we evaluated the role of genetic susceptibility to lead. METHODS: We conducted a case-control study in New England in 1993-1996 with 109 ALS cases and 256 population-based controls. We measured blood and bone lead levels, the latter using X-ray fluorescence, and interviewed participants regarding sources of lead exposure. RESULTS: In our study, ALS was associated with self-reported occupational lead exposure, with a dose response for cumulative days of exposure. ALS was also associated with blood and bone lead levels, with a 1.9-fold increase in risk for each mug/dl increment in blood lead and a 2.3- to 3.6-fold increase for each doubling of bone lead. A polymorphism in the delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase gene was associated with a 1.9-fold increase in ALS risk. CONCLUSION: These results, together with previous studies, suggest that lead exposure plays a role in the etiology of ALS. An increase in mobilization of lead from bone into blood may play a role in the acute onset of disease.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and occupational history. A pilot case-control study.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the association of a number of occupational and industrial exposures with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). DESIGN: A case-control study of ALS cases matched by age and sex to 2 controls each: 1 from a neurologic clinic and 1 from a local community. Exposures were ascertained by questionnaire, and patients were requested before the interview to be to prepared to supply occupational histories. SETTING: Patients with ALS were enrolled at the University of Minnesota ALS Clinic in Minneapolis. PATIENTS: Patients with ALS (n = 25) were from the University of Minnesota ALS clinic, and clinic controls (n = 25) were patients with other neuromuscular diseases from the university's Muscle Disease Clinic, selected on the basis of clinic enrollment date nearest to that of the matched case. Clinic controls were principally patients with myopathies. Community controls (n = 25) were selected from the community using a random-digit-dialing protocol matching on the first 5 digits of the case patient's telephone number. RESULTS: The strongest association with disease was exposure to welding or soldering materials (odds ratio, 5.0) and the welding industry (odds ratio, 5.3). Electric plating showed a high odds ratio of 8 (95% confidence interval, 0.9-72.0), but low statistical significance (P < .07) Several exposures or industries, while not statistically different, showed enough difference that to ignore them might lead to a Type II error, a result of the pilot nature and small sample size. These included paint or pigment manufacturing, the petroleum industry, the printing industry, and shipbuilding. CONCLUSIONS: The association with welding, soldering, and the welding industry is strong and suggests a need for further work. This is despite the small numbers studied, thus making most industrial or occupational exposures too limited to draw conclusions or detect associations. Perhaps the most obvious candidate from the welding, soldering exposure for a common toxin would be lead. Other suggestions of risk were seen for paint or pigment manufacture, shipbuilding, electric plating, and the dairy industry. The degree of association for these, while high, is not statistically significant, and suggests that there may be 1 or more environmental toxins common to those industries that need more precise measurement.
Lead exposure and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
BACKGROUND: Previous interview-based studies have suggested that exposure to neurotoxicants including metals might be related to ALS. METHODS: We evaluated the relation of lead exposure to ALS, using both biological measures and interviews, in a case-control study conducted in New England from 1993 to 1996. Cases (N = 109) were recruited at two hospitals in Boston, MA. Population controls (N = 256) identified by random-digit dialing were frequency-matched to cases by age, sex, and region of residence within New England. RESULTS: Risk of ALS was associated with self-reported occupational exposure to lead (odds ratio [OR] = 1.9; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.1-3.3), with a dose response for lifetime days of lead exposure. Blood and bone lead levels were measured in most cases (N = 107) and in a subset of controls (N = 41). Risk of ALS was associated with elevations in both blood and bone lead levels. ORs were 1.9 (95% CI = 1.4-2.6) for each microg/dl increase in blood lead, 3.6 (95% CI = 0.6-20.6) for each unit increase in log-transformed patella lead, and 2.3 (95% CI = 0.4-14.5) for each unit increase in log-transformed tibia lead. CONCLUSIONS: These results are consistent with previous reports and suggest a potential role for lead exposure in the etiology of ALS.
Was I exposed to lead? Yup. Do I know my levels? Nope. I personally believe heavy metals may play a role but even if they do it is only a part. Thousands of pALS have spent huge sums of money on chelation therapies. Now granted some of those therapies are nothing more than quackery but I will bet most where valid. To my knowledge none have shown improvement. I'm sure someone from a "Wellness" center will tell me otherwise but until I see a documented case I'll stay on the skeptic side.
Just my two cents. What it comes down to is if you want to know get the test done or in 'Bama speak....Git 'r done :mrgreen: