Question game

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A hawk, like the ones I watch soaring every day in my backyard and sometimes come to perch on my fence. So strong and beautiful.

Would you have picked a different area of study if you could start over?
HA snap again!

OK I'll answer both :)

I would not pick a different area of study, I would have stayed with it! My first area of study was veterinary nursing and zoo keeping.

Dave that's such a tricky question! If I had everything I needed I would ask for a chance to need something again ...

Have you ever run out of gas while driving?
I would ask for enough money to support me for the rest of my live and a house with a big enough yard for alot of puppies and dogs. Then I would ask to be secluded from the rest of the world for the rest of my life.

You are given a $1000 but you must spend it on someone other then yourself. What are you going buy and for who?
I would buy a ticket on a cruise ship for my sister, she is a wonderful person who has had a really tuff life.
Do you like a neck and shoulder message or total back message .
Love Gem
Full Body!

Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
Oh yes, many times, though not for some years.

When I was in high school we thought it was the biggest fun to stay at a girlfriends place when her parents went out and skinny dip in her pool at night!

If you were a comic strip character, who would you be and why
I'd be Garfield because I loves me some lasagna ;-

Do you have any pets?
I'd be Garfield because I loves me some lasagna ;-

Do you have any pets?

Two Siberian Huskies (and a lot of hair in the house!)

If a chicken and half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, how long would it take a one-legged grasshopper to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle?

Or... if you could go back and do it over, would you have more, fewer or the same number of children?
Ha good questions Jeff, both the joke one and the one I have to try and answer.

I did sit and ponder this a bit because there have been many times I have wished I never had any children, and times they have been my biggest blessing...

I ended up deciding that there are many things I would change if I could do it over, but the number of children (4) that I had is not one of them :)

What message would you write and put in a fortune cookie?
>Have you ever gone skinny dipping?

sure, even have pictures. Last summer Sandy had to bathe me in the pool :)

have you ever won something?
Tillie, "It is what it is" !

Max, yes, but I can't seem to remember what it was....

If you could meet anyone from history, who would it be? (Sorry if this has already been asked, I just started the game).
>If you could meet anyone from history, who would it be?

the Roosevelt's

what hould you ask?
I'd ask Eleanor what she thinks about the status of women today :)

If you could have a superhero power, which would you choose and why?
I would fly...Love watching the birds soar so effortlessly.

Do you have a hero?
>Do you have a hero?

dog: Lassie
family: brother dick
World in my time: Gandhi
World all time: founders of world's spiritually focused on peace
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