Question for ALS patients

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Oct 26, 2006
Redondo Beach
Hi again

I am currently in the middle of a workup for 'possible ALS' (neurologist quote) and I have an abnormal EMG.

I have fasciculations in both legs and upper back. I am now starting to get cramps in both feet, calves, and upper back. I have not noticed any significant weakness (although, admittedly become paranoid over whether or not I am imagining it).

I realize ALS presents differently in each person, but did anyone here with ALS have fasciculations and cramps prior to having weakness?

Thank you, again, for your previous responses. My wife is freaking out less, now.
Hi Paradox. I was having night time leg cramps for at least a year before the fasciculations showed up in my one calf (right). I then progressed to fasic's all over below the neck. I never got cramps in my back though. I had the cramps and fasc's for quite a while before the real weakness started. AL.
Hi Paradox. Glad to learn your wife is adjusting. This disease is tough all around! Take care and try to enjoy your Thanksgiving.
Al said:
Hi Paradox. I was having night time leg cramps for at least a year before the fasciculations showed up in my one calf (right). I then progressed to fasic's all over below the neck. I never got cramps in my back though. I had the cramps and fasc's for quite a while before the real weakness started. AL.

I had fasciculations before cramps...don't know if the order means anything. My fascics started about 2 months ago in my left leg and spread to right leg, then upper back. Where did your weakness start, AL? How long into your symptoms did you have your first EMG?
Had cramps a year or so before the fasc's in Dec. 02. Took until Oct.03 to get all other tests before referral to Neuro. I would have to say my hands got weak first. I saw the Neuro on Oct.24 03 and had NCV and EMG on Oct 27 and he gave me diagnosed then and 2 weeks later I was at another hospital getting same tests and another opinion which basically was the same. I've had at least 6 or 7 sets of EMG's and while a couple had anomalies they all basically said you have ALS. AL.
Hi Doc: My wife had severe leg cramps at night from the time I met her (not that I slept with her on my first date). They seemed to intensify in the years before her diagnosis with ALS, which presented itself by muscle weakness in her right hand. These were calf cramps that were intense enough to not only wake her up but me as well. So yes, cramps, possible fasiculations, before the muscle onslaught. She didn't have cramping in any other muscles as far as I know/remember. She was a sprinter all through high school and university... and had an awesome set of finely-tuned pegs that she liked to.... naw not here!
Glad your wife is coming around. If this is ALS, and I hope it's not, she will always be welcome here as well! Good Luck!

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