question about eye twitching

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Sep 25, 2007
Learn about ALS
Hello everybody. I have a 4 year history of twitching, had 3 EMGs without a result and now I have an annoying twitch under my left eye which has been almost constant for three weeks . Additionally I have widespread twitching almost in every part of my body, most of the time in my left calf. My left leg is smaller than the right one and it tires sooner.
I read here that some people took several years to get a diagnosis and I´m afraid at the moment that I´m at a point where every symptom becomes more obvious.
I´m sorry for my English and that I have to bother you with my problem but if you find the time could you please answer the question if formerly widespread twitching at some point localised in one part of your body and how long it took to have another symptom which made you know there`s something going on.
Thank you so much for reading this.
Hi, Elin ... your English is great!

I'm sorry you're having these disturbing symptoms. ALS doesn't start with all-over twitching that shrinks down into one area. Usually the start of ALS is very, very subtle, and usually weakness is the first thing noticed.

It's my impression that twitching under the eye is very common, and usually benign. What you have really doesn't sound like ALS at all, plus your clean EMGs would rule it out.

Have you checked Benign Fasciculation Syndrome?

Good luck!
Most people who have BFS keep drooling on those stories.. its because the anxiety already has you in control. Move on with your life, and work on your anxiety!

If the twitches were caused by denervation, it would have showed up on the EMGS. Twitches alone, with no denervation shown up on the EMG ( and weakness ) is benign.
Do not go for a 4th EMG.. why would a 4th one help if you didnt even believed the other 3?
I agree; If your past EMG's were normal at the time of ongoing twitches, they were benign then and are benign now. If you must see a neurologist for your own piece of mind, make sure you ask him about BFS as a diagnosis.

If he says you have BFS, simply let the twitches entertain you from then on. It is far better to find them amusing (as they are harmless, anyway) than to think they are destroying your body (when the surely are not!)

Rest easy and relax. Celebrate with having had 3 clean EMG's while twitching!

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