Question about Excess Saliva

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New member
Jan 11, 2012

My Mother has ALS/MND and this is her account.

She was diagnosed in July 2011 and at the moment Saliva is causing her a lot of problems. When she wakes up during the night/early morning, her mouth is extremely dry and it seems like her tongue is stuck in her mouth and she needs to physically pull it down. when she does so she says the saliva is unbearable and makes her feel ill.

She was prescribed patches for behind her ears to try to alleviate the problem with saliva but it hasnt had much affect.

Has anyone come up with anything that has eased their dry mouth and excess saliva issues?

Thank You,
For dry mouth I use Biotene Moisturizing Mouth Spray at night. I just need a few drops. Daytime I have chewing gum called Mighteaflow.

My dry mouth is caused by medications that I take. I do not have a problem with managing my saliva yet
Hi, sorry to hear your mom has ALS.

My husband has used 3 things with varying success:
A m y t r I p t a l I n e... Cause severe constipation, use with a stool softener.
A t r o p I n e d r o p s under his tongue several times a day.
B o t o x injections... Seems to work best. Will need to be redone

Hope this helps, ALS website has other options, search under saliva

My husband didn't have dry mouth but used amitriptyline to help control saliva production. Didn't cause constipation for him. This drug was also used for emotional lability.
while in dc at the als advocacy conference i met a couple from ohio. he said a neoro is experimenting with radiation to kill siliva glands to bring the flow down to right amount to control drooling. has any one heard of this. when sleeping on my back mouth flops open and dry mouth causes my tongue to stick to roof of mouth. i agree you feel it has to be pried off
Thank you all for replying to my son Anthony's question about dry mouth and excess saliva.He put the question out on my behalf. He is now checking with various pharmacies to see if they stock any or all of your suggested remedies.I hope he'll be successful as it's really a big problem for me.
God bless you all.
I also had a saliva problem. My neuro increased my depression medication & it seemed to help a great deal. I do wake up with very dry mouth & my tongue does feel like it is stuck up in the roof of my mouth. I just take some water & swish around in my mouth & that seems to help.
One spray of biotene bought at the drug store always helps with my dry mouth it seems to thin out my thick saliva too.
Keep a spray bottle of water and just spray every now and then. If it's scopolamine patches, I'd be careful...those can cause even more dryness besides the other bad side effects it has.

If there is too much saliva, make sure you have a suction machine with the cathetors.

Good luck
My patient has excess saliva (dut to inability to swallow) and so I have to constantly suction his mouth. We use Scopalapine patches on him when we travel because it dries him up. I use warm water and a toothbrush to moisten his mouth and clean film of of his teeth.
My grandma had excess Saliva. She always had a towel in her hand wiping it away. She was prescribed the patches and it didn;t help much either. We also got a machine to suck out extra saliva and mucus. It was a blessing. I would suggest that you get that and do a routine suction every morning.
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