I read on some previous threads that statin drugs are bad. You might do a search on our older threads to see what comes up.
Hi Cindy.
Yes, statin drugs
are bad. There are many reasons and of course it would fill many books (and has done) but thinking clinicians now realise that statins are terribly destructive preparations. The use of statins is predicated on the notion that high cholesterol is a good predictor of the risk of having a cardiovascular event at some time in your life.
For decades people have been told that high cholesterol and high fat are killers. The idea gained currency following the work of Ancel Keys and the cholesterol/heart hypothesis was born. Suffice it to say that the science was poor and yet it gripped the collective medical mind and remains to this day.
Statins act by inhibiting the production of cholesterol within the mevalonate metabolic pathway (MMP). In a way, this may be considered to be good, if you are trying to reduce the production of cholesterol. If we accept that cholesterol reduction is the target of the treatment, we should only be targeting cholesterol production. Just like every other structure and system of our bodies, there is a place and a function for all things and we tamper with them at our peril.
Statins work right at the beginning of the MMP and the effect is that other vital functions of this pathway are inhibited as well. The reduction in Prenylated proteins, Ubiquinone (CoQ10), Dolichols and Heme A... are an unwanted effect of inhibiting cholesterol production. This says nothing about the fact that cholesterol is an essential substance for every living cell that respires. Cholesterol is needed for cell wall integrity and for the production of myelin, which is the protective sheath that surrounds nerve tissue.
It should not be difficult to follow the train of thought that points to a reduction in cholesterol, empirically causing a reduction in the ability of the body to protect the nervous system tissues. To understand that cholesterol is not and has never been shown to cause heart disease, is to understand why medicating perfectly healthy people with statins, for life, is a very bad thing to do.
There is no connection between the cholesterol we take into our bodies by way of dietary intake and the level of cholesterol in our body. It is a production system that is regulated by the body and what we eat will not effect your cholesterol levels. The effect of statins on those other vital products of the MMP is devastating. A commonly complained of symptom is muscle weakness/loss of strength/pain.
Why would so many unrelated people be experiencing the self-same symptoms? It is because the statin has messed with the production of Heme A (among other things) which is only found in the mitochondria of cells.
A much simplified explanation: Heme A is used to transfer the energy, from the food we eat, to the cells. When the cell does not get the stuff it needs to function properly, it starts a process called programmed cell death (apoptosis) and you do not need a medical qualification to understand what the outcome of cells dying will be.
To assist people with seeing what is being discussed, here are some links....
The illustration shows the Mevalonate Metabolic Pathway in detail.
This page shows what happened to 100 people who reported that they were taking statins. It is written for medical people but if you persevere with it, there are seven easily followed charts.
The data for the previous page was drawn from 100 reports taken from this global petition against statins.
Statins have never been shown to have any beneficial effect in females, regardless of their medical history. Statins have not been shown to have any beneficial effect in people over the age of 50, regardless of their medical history. One meta-study conducted by the University of British Columbia, which examined the data from three of the largest statin studies, concluded that 71 people would need to take statins for between 3 and 5 years before one person would have derived any benefit.
An example of the need for statins can be shown by the term, Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs), which would be something like this...
Patient: An 80 year old man with high cholesterol
Quality of life without statins: 0.8 (where 1 is the maximum quality of life)
Remaining time: 5 years of 0.8 quality of life = 4 QALYs
Quality of life with statins: 0.5
Five years and two weeks of living on statins: = 2.5019 QALYs
Effect of statins. A reduction of 1.4981 QALYs
All of the foregoing is to say nothing about the neurological, psychological and physical problems that seem to go hand-in-glove with the administration of statin therapy.
hope this helps