Going back to the prevalence of ALS, it is easy to confuse the incidence(which is 1-2 per 100,000) with the prevalence( which is 7 per100,000). The prevalence relates to the number of people living with ALS at any moment in time , whilst the incidence relates to the frequency with which the disease occurs. The incidence of ALS in the population is actually as the same as for Multiple Sclerosis , but because the life expectancy between the conditions is so different, the prevalence of MS is about 10x that of ALS.
I'm sure that the prevalence of ALS in the community will be increasing , because of Bi- pap and PEG feeding , which allows PALS to live longer. No doubt the figures will be updated as and when the information is collected. So if prevalence seems to be increasing , it will be a good sign that folks are living longer . If the incidence increases,then that would mean that more cases are ocurring, which could be rather depressing . 1-2/100,000 is too frequent already, so I hope only the prevalence and not the incidence is on the up! If and when a really effective treatment is developed,ALS prevalence might get up to match the prevalence of MS and then we would really know that things were going in the right direction.:-D