Pressure ulcers. Bed sores

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Senior member
Aug 22, 2022
Lost a loved one
My husband PALS is bedridden and cannot move on his own.
We try to be diligent to prevent bed sores but perhaps they are inevitable at some point. I hope not.
There is a lot of info on the internet on prevention and remedies. Here is one document, attached.

And there is the USA
National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) 2300 N. Street NW, Suite 710, Washington, D.C. 20037 (202) 521-6789 – A non-profit professional organization dedicated to the prevention and management of pressure ulcers through public policy, education and research. npuap DOT org


This forum also has a comprehensive post on this topic.
Everything You Need To Know About Caring For Pressure Sores, from 2010.
PALS has his first bedsore. He was in the hospital for one week. They don't reposition in the hosiptal. They just shift the body a few inches. So he came home with a pre-sore that is now a sore. We are doing more of a body shift. I hope it will heal nicely. He is bed bound so its tough.
My brother came out of the hospital and into a VA nursing home with bedsores. He can still move but can't walk or transfer. The VA home cleared them up in a few weeks and they totally healed.

I hate hospitals.
I did speak with the wound care nurse. She said they dont turn, just shift. :(
Acute care hospitals are generally most concerned with the negative outcomes they will be penalized for, like someone falling out of bed and readmissions. Pressure injuries are not dinged by payors or regulators because you can't prove causality. And most floors and units are understaffed.
Readmissions....I insisted that we not be discharged without suction and oxygen (for boosts when needed). We were supposed to get cough assist but that fell off the truck or something. The pulmonologist also delayed discharge by a few days to give PALS time to recover. And, I said we had to have a clear xray. They umped him full of drugs he is not on at home, like heparin.
And ALS humor. They could not easily get Nuedexta so I had to LEND them Toms.
Yup, never go to a hospital w/o all your drugs/ devices. Access there, esp. timely, is not a given.
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We have been using this product and We are seeing very good results, heals quickly. Purchased on Amazon. Expensive.

Terrasil Bed Sore & Pressure Sore Relief ointment is a soothing natural antiseptic ointment that promotes rapid healing of bed sores and pressure sores.
Soothing Natural Moisturizers Penetrate Deeply For Complete, Rapid Relief
Terrasil's all-natural moisturizers (Jojoba Oil, Beeswax) and essential oils (Sage Oil, Peppermint Oil, Tea Tree Oil) provide multiple benefits to irritated, damaged or infected skin.
Terrasil Bed Sore and Pressure Sore Relief Ointment features a powerful antiseptic (bacteria-fighting) ingredient, as well as a soothing skin protectant. Together, they form the ultimate barrier against infection, which is the biggest cause of delayed healing in wounds.
Terrasil is the only ulcer and sore relief product available that uses patented Activated Minerals. This proprietary blend includes Zinc Oxide, Silver Oxide, and Magnesium Oxide.
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Our PCP likes this product, and I have also ordered it from Amazon.

special type of honey indigenous to New Zealand, called Active Leptospermum (or Manuka) honey.
Active Leptospermum Honey has been shown to have several properties which assist in promoting an optimal healing environment.
It has a low pH, and has been shown to help lower the overall wound pH, which is beneficial to chronic wounds.
The honey is also highly osmotic, which assists in debridement and keeping the wound bed clean.
Manuka honey is wonderful in tea. I've used it for years. I didn't know it had any topical uses.
Our nurse thinks we should continue using the Terrasil Bed Sore & Pressure Sore Relief. We are getting very good results.
Thanks for the suggestion on Terrasil, I will order some. The main things that have helped us head off pressure ulcers that were starting to form are (1) Roho cushion for the PWC, and (2) alternating air pressure mattress topper. Our ALS Association loaned us both of them (bless ALSA-SD, they're amazing). Especially the air pressure mattress topper seemed to have immediate beneficial results. I think they're available on Amazon for about $60 or $70. PALS feels the difference and notices if I forget to turn the airflow on when he's in bed.
I would be interested in the changes that have happened since 2010. 13 years is a lot. But it's a great place to start. Thanks for the info.
The doc I posted was one of the more comprehensive that I found. The 2010 post was done by a member, a volunteer, as we all are.
Since we deal with this worry daily, I was trying to be helpful. I wish I could find a perfect prevention. Our PCP says repositioning is the only prevention.
From what I have, turning, barrier cream. Keep PALS hydrated to prevent skin breakdown.
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