Posture and ALS


New member
Oct 15, 2024
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Hello, My name is Sam from South Korea.
I was born in 1992 and am male.

I have been with this for now about 1 and five months, my body is getting worse day by day.
The reason I am writing this down is because by so far, not only we do not have cures but also do not even know why it happens.
There are many medical explainations to why it might have occured, but nothing seems very appliable to most people.

When the real symptoms started to happened to me was May, 2023.
And everything has gone down the same road like everyone else.

Most people based on what i have done with my research, appealed that they have no ideas why it happens, suddenly one day it started without reasons.
But my case was different.

I have known that my posture has been always not right, uncomfortable.

When i was young around 15 years old (before this, i was okay), I noticed by looking at mirror that my shoulders were uneven. From that point on, I started deliberately straightening that slouched shoulder by raising it unnaturally to make it look more aligned. After maintaining this posture for a long time, I began to feel that the rib cage on that side was lifting away from the pelvis, almost as if it was being pulled apart. I was aware that something was wrong with my posture, but the idea of keeping my shoulders straight made me continue with this unnatural alignment.

As time passed, my rib cage eventually shifted almost completely backward. The balance between my left and right sides became severely imbalanced, but I could make it appear less awkward by shifting the weight between my legs depending on how I stood. I also experienced frequent back pain. I should have gone to the doctor when my back hurt, but to avoid the pain, I would adjust my posture (by shifting weight between my legs), allowing me to avoid discomfort. but before 2022, i was absolutely heathy and look nice and handsome although times to times, people who noticed my bad posture told me to change it.

Then, in 2022, I started to feel an unusual sense of relief in my left abdomen, and I also felt that my left neck was being pulled further back. Although I had always been aware of the imbalance in my body, I could never have imagined that these actions would lead to ALS. However, after I felt something intensely flowing down from my neck, the symptoms of ALS began to manifest. I believe that ALS is caused by the development of muscles alongside incorrect postures that people maintain.

<additional unscientific theories of ALS etiology removed>
<OP is not diagnosed with ALS>
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ALS is a brain disease. Whatever is wrong with you may indeed be posture related but if so not ALS.