Post here if you have a problem with this site

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you keep refusing to let me post.

I registered yesterday and still denied entry to post.
Your post is there. The forum has a filter that flags posts that have a URL or anything that looks like an internet address, a moderator has to approve it before it is visible. This had to be done because the forum was being flooded with spam a while ago. This measure was placed to protect our members.
When I go to the list of recent chats and threads, at the bottom of the home page. it starts with threads dated 9-13-2007 !
Does anyone else have this problem? It has been that way all day; I have closed down and restarted but it remains the same.
When I go to the list of forums, that is current ?!?

On the positive side, I have caught up on some older threads and posts !
To change the order in which your messages are displayed do the following:
Click on USER CP this is your control panel
Go down the left side to Settings and options and click on edit options
go down page to
Thread Display Mode Here you can choose the display mode for threads. For a full explanation of the modes, please view this help page. Linear - Oldest First Linear - Newest First Thread Display Mode: I hope this helps.
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Hi David,
I am having problems with the dates of 9-13-07 showing up on the first website. I tried following the cp user then edit options and make sure it is set on newest threads. However, it still stays on 9-13-07. Would appreciate any help. Thank you David
Thank you Capt. Al for your time and help. I followed your instructions, but it did not help. It only changed the order of the posts, from newest to oldest, and not the threads themselves.

I see someone else has this same problem. Anyone else have any thoughts or suggestions?

Have you tried changing the Display Options at the bottom of the page?
Thanks for trying to help, Joel !

Your post is actually blurred for me; it says "moderator control", and where you say to check display option- I don't have that anywhere !

I have checked all possible combinations; but, I do admit to not being very computer saavy !

I give up- I'll just check the forum, new posts and quick links !
Refresh your screen. Right click on your mouse and then click on refresh.
The screen you saw will change, it is still a bit fuzzy but if you go into a forum and scroll to the bottom of the page you will see options to change Display Options.

I am really curious about your problem and would like to get to the bottom of it, but only if you want to.
Nothing yet! This is a bit of a puzzle.

No time to work on this today- we are off to DC.

Will play with it more when we get back on Wednesday.

Maybe the computer fairies will come in and fix it while we are gone!
The computer fairies did come !

As posted on another thread, David did fix this.

But, thanks to Capt. Al and Joel for your offers of help !
change profile

how do I change info on my profile page?
Click on User CP near top of page. Options are on left side of page.

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