Positive personal L-serine results

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Active member
Jun 18, 2012
Glace Bay
Hello Folks:

I wanted to post in the other L-serine post but it was closed so I had to start a new thread.

The maximum dosage being used in the trial is 30 grams daily. I was told by someone that was in the clinical trial, but dropped out as her Husband continued to decline. The found out later he was only getting a very small dosage so they decided to pursue this on their own. He started taking the max 30 grams a day and after only 10 days was able to lie on the floor and lift each foot and draw a figure eight in the air. He could barely lift his foot off the floor when in the clinical trial.

I'm doing the same as them (30 grams daily) and after only six days could lift both arms higher than I could before starting the L-serine. I started taking it April 15th. I'm happy to report these initial findings haven't subsided, but also haven't increased. I'm hoping it's causing the progression to stay where it is for a longer period of time. Last couple of neurologist visits he's said very little change, I'll take it.

This video does a great job explaining the story.

where did you get the l-serine?
Are you sure you meant 30 grams a day or 30 milligrams?
OK I guess you really did mean 30 grams/day. Thats more than 1 bottle/day. Pretty expensive unless you get it somewhere cheap.
We've got a couple l-shrine strings going now. I started one over in the general discussion a couple days ago.
You can get bulk LS off amazon.
Thanks for the info. Glad to hear of your success. Keep going strong! I just ordered some and will start my own "trial".
dbach - how are you taking the 30 grams daily? I tried doing it in one dose and ended up vomiting and feeling miserable. do you spread it out through out the day? I am hesitant to ingest more of it. Thanks.
I mix 15g (~2Tbs) in my morning 'smoothie' and a 2nd 15g with pomegranate juice in the evening. This stuff is cloyingly sweet, the tart pomegranate helps.
Thanks Greg.i will try it again ... Just a bit slower. I have a peg so sweetness won't be an issue for me.
Can anyone update me on how they are doing with taking 30 grams a day of l-serine? I am about to start and am open to any sugestions you might have.

Update you how, specifically?
It's a bit early for results other than that in earlier posts...
Taking 30g daily is not a problem, buying in bulk form makes it affordable, mixing it with some thing to mask or counter the sweet flavor makes ingestion easy...
Ok. I was wondering how others were doing. Thanks for the support. Will get started and hope for the best.
Ok. I was wondering how others were doing. Thanks for the support. Will get started and hope for the best.
Hi! This is my first post.

I too started L-Serine at the 7.5 gram dosage 14 days ago. So far I noticed on day 12 a better mental outlook and maybe, just maybe, slightly more energy. I'm still able to walk with crutches and hands are extremely weak but usable. I notice GregK takes Acetyl-L-Carnitine as well and I bought some to take. I'm wondering about your dosage for both -- any negative effects of 30 grams daily of the L-S?

Also I'm keeping a daily journal of doses, times, and noticeable feelings. We are weighing bulk powder on a small digital scale husband bought for weighing fishing shot --- very exacting.

Good luck everyone -- we could be making history here. I sure hope so!
Hi Patty,
I take ~3/4tsp 1xdaily of ALC, which is 2+gm. This is over in the Acetyl-L-Carnitine Slows Progression thread.

As to LS, I take 15gm 2xdaily. Morning 15g in my boost/whey protein/peanut butter/banana smoothie, evening 15g mixed with Pomegranate juice (counters the sweetness).

I have noticed no adverse effects from either. I cannot attest to any improvement yet.

You should re-read the 1st post in this thread regarding quantity...
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