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Legendary member
Sep 27, 2006
I want y'all all to know about the loving care of strangers that live over 800 miles away!

This kind lady's young son-in-law passed away recently after a tough battle with Lou Gehrig's Disease. At the same time, her daughter was and is fighting her own battle with cancer.

These strangers have decided to donate the very equipment that was meant to make life more comfortable for their PALS. I would like to think his legacy will live on in this act of kindness.

We have arranged through my husband's previous employer to have these items picked up, among which are an adjustable Tempurpedic bed and a Jazzy scooter. His employer did not bat an eyelash. Another act of kindness.

Who are these strangers? They are not really strangers at all, for this loving family belongs to our own Beebe.

Thank you Beebe from the bottom of my heart! And thank you Stephanie, may you remain strong. And thank you Jack, your legacy does indeed live on.

My friends, I take heed from this family and have promised my husband and myself that I will continue Jack's legacy by donating directly to another PALS when the time comes. It's personal. It's meaningful. It's touching.
Isn't it great when we can be "neighborly" although so far apart geographically? I am always amazed by this. :-D
My Dear Cindy J, You have a beautiful way with words. I had tears in my eyes reading your post. As I said to you on the phone there are some wonderful caring people in the World. So many of them are right here on this iForum. Caring and sharing that's what it's all about. Stephanie will read this when she gets home later. Love ya, Beebe
i love it when a good plan comes together. This is one of the reasons we are one of the best forums on the net.

"One" of the best? I thought we were the BEST! ;)
I didn't want it to look like I was biased.

We all know you are not biased.

and yeah, we are the best! -you're not biased, just proud!

Keep the faith,
Y'all! The Traveling Wheelchair will be on the move tomorrow, once again!

A pALS in CT will be the recipient and I wish him "happy trails" while out and about!

I'm glad to have the opportunity to help another pALS by paying forward. If we cALS and pALS didn't have each other, some would face very difficult times, indeed!

Thank you, Kay Marie, for getting me in touch with this pALS' family. You are so very precious.
Chair is there! He is enjoying the new found freedom!

Please pay it forward when you can.
It's wonderful. CJ, Kay, Beebe, thank you for not only doing this but also for sharing. Paying forward is a very positive "hope" story to read.
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