Hello I am a 23 year old male and I have been experiencing muscle twitches all over my body for about a month. I do not believe that I have weakness or atrophy but my muscles seem to be a little sore these days. I went to my GP about a week into the twitches and he said that it's just anxiety and after I get back from the vacation I just took I will feel better. Well the twitches haven't gotten worse but they haven't gotten better. I have some lower back pain but that was there way before the twitches. I don't know if this is related but a couple of days into the twitches I was sitting in a restaurant and had to leave because I had this burning sensation throughout the back of my neck, back and arms. I am in medical school now and this adds to my anxiety and stress. The twitches began after a week of studying, not getting much sleep and (I know it's bad) taking adderall and drinking caffeine. If I remember correctly, in undergrad, I experienced muscle twitches after a week of studying and staying up late with caffeine and adderall but the twitches went away after a day or so. I am worried that this is something serious. Any advice? Do you think it could have something to do with the adderall and caffeine? My GP took blood and did a CBC, electrolytes and thyroid test and everything came out normal. Please help....this is starting to consume my life....Thanks