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Jul 29, 2017
Southern Oregon
I posted recently with questions regarding the Permobil F3 (I’m currently borrowing one from my loaner closet and like it so far).

That previous thread is here:

I did receive a gift of a used (> 5 years old) Permobil M300 that I may keep as a backup chair. It’s a bit worn and clunky and will need some servicing including possibly a new chair lift bracket. I haven’t had NuMotion come out to evaluate it yet.

So a new situation has presented itself. The widow of a recently deceased PALS in my area very generously offered me (for free!!) his barely used new Quantum chair that the VA bought for him. I haven’t seen the chair yet and I don’t yet know what model it is.

I scoured this forum for information about Quantum chairs and found older posts where people were often unhappy with them due to lurching, jerky movements, battery issues, and unreliability. I found the same in online reviews.

So my question now is if there are any current (or recent) Quantum users here, and if you are happy with your chairs or have regrets. Do they still have the above issues?

It’s possible I may get a new Permobil F3, keep the Quantum as a backup, and donate the M300. Or... just pass on the Quantum if people here have found them troublesome.

Thanks for your comments and suggestions.
Don’t have a quantum so can’t say there

My ride are primarily frontier v6 great for outside stuff and inside

Secondary Permobil F5. Good ride hard to clean if muddy or worse dog poo

Good on ya Karen getting PWC
I have the VA issued Quantum Q6 Edge 2.0. While an adequate chair for my current needs, there is a problem with control sometimes and you get a nothing-nothing-nothing-everything all at once action for some side motions, especially with backing. I have been told they can tune out some of this motion but haven't actually had it done yet. Another vet at the clinic said they had tuned his and got most of it out but it still occasionally exhibited this action. Another problem is the casters on the front can 'lead' you to a sideways motion which is too easy to over-correct when entering a ramp. The only solution for this is to ensure the casters have aligned to straight ahead before approaching the ramp. It just takes some getting used to but overall it is a good chair, just requires some caution in tight spaces and on a ramp. And I certainly can't beat it for the price as it was taxpayer provided.
I'm using a loaner Quantum PWC until my own arrives. It's fine. Although it's great to get a free backup wheelchair you need to consider how easy (or hard) it may be for you to switch brands and the different operating features between the brands. I've heard that can be tough. Maybe you could test it out or one like it at a wheelchair "store" before you decide to accept it?
I dislike those lurching, jerky motions of my permobil f5. ditto chally re hard to clean, tires in particular.

I tried a few different chairs and settled on a Permobil M3. If you have room for a backup chair, try the Quantum and see how it fits you. I will say that, after trying a few chairs, one that fits will be great compared to one that was built for another person.

Florida is flat so I have no use for a chair that deals with hills. I will say that my M3 can go anywhere in the condo and turns on a dime. No jerky movement like the new Quantum chairs I tried. Push hard for them to throw in the elevator function no matter which company you go with.
You can't generalize about either, though Permobil has overall a better reputation for a few reasons.

There are front wheel drive, mid wheel drive and rear wheel drive chairs. Permobil chairs with M are mid/center wheel. Those that start with C and F are front wheel. Quantum makes some of each, too.

It is worth thinking and discussing in a home evaluation with an ATP, which drive wheel type is right for you. Or if you have a backup, you might want one of each. And you should be able to try them, too, even without their being your size.
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