PALS roll call Wednesdays ( or whenever)

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Here and still looking for an apartment. Hoping today is the day!
Hanging out, waiting for the cool front. Have a great day!
Great to have you back Tracy!
Enjoying glorious weather here today!
Still here and enjoying a nice rainy Oregon day prefect for firing up a movie and chillin all day.
I'm here...and thankful for that!
Here, and happy to be able to say that.
Almost fall here in Clearwater, tempts have plummeted to 85 w/88% humidity. Down right balmy.

getting a little weaker. especially in my hands. not looking forward to not being able to use my hands. not walking I can handle. not using my hands would be depressing, but I guess I will adjust.
posting early as i won't be online tomorrow. amazing how fast things can go south in a heart beat on the physical and mental aspect of this nightmare. getting wore out is not a good idea cause that accelerates all thing als. got to learn patience and acceptence, relax and breath, all new to me as i was a balls to the wall guy. fall colors are starting here in wv and looking good. hope you all are making well with IT. love ya chally
I'm still here. Lovely cold weather in Virginia and the doors and windows are open. Having to use a lift to transfer so the last my independence is gone. But my respiratory is still good and I'm still swallowing and talking. Trying to take things easy. But tomorrow will be another day.
Good day to all. Hope you all can enjoy the autumn season.

Here. New family member arrived safely last night. Kind of a step nephew in law. Which means he is NOT at risk for my genetic defect! He looks just like his beautiful mom! Very happy and excited!
I'm still here :)
Here. Moving a week tomorrow, so run ragged trying to find and buy furnishings etc., Looking forward to no longer living out of two suitcases and constantly shifting locations. Bloody knackered at this stage. Happy Wednesday everyone. :)
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