PALS and Cholesterol Medication

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Distinguished member
Oct 13, 2004
Just Curious...
Were any PALS (previous to diagnosis) taking any Cholesterol Medication(s).
I was diagnosed 2 years ago and the 2 years previous to that, was on Cholesterol Medication.
I (recently) have seen a few PALS sites where they indicate they were taking such medications.
In light of diet and the effects that Cholesterol Medication have on a persons liver (and auto-immune system), I'm curious as whether or not others have had the same experience.
There is NO scientific (medical) reasoning behind this...
Just trying to find a (possible) common link.
You never know.
cholesterol medication


I'm sorry, I can't help. My brother was diagnosed with ALS 1 1/2 year ago and he was never on any medication.

In the past 6 months he has deteriorated very quickly...He cannot speak anymore, he just got a wheelchair last week, but insists on using his walker wich makes it very difficult for him. he takes two steps with a lot of effort, stops and then two more steps and so on, and so on. He does not go out, he uses the walker to move around in his appartment, however this tires him out a lot.

Now he has oedema (swelling) in his feet, which he did not have 2 weeks ago. He sleeps all the time now...

Anyways, sorry to go on and on, it's my first post and I really don't know what to do...

Thank you for listening.

sisterofl :cry:
PALS and Cholesterol Meds

Hello and welcome Mike. Prior to diagnosis Oct. 03 I had been on Lipitor for about 7 years. When my fasciculations started in my right calf my GP did blood work to see if the meds were causing it. He did Potassium and Calcium checks as well. Nothing surprising there. Then off to see the Neurologist. I do recall about 3 years ago they took a cholesterol drug off the market because of muscle wasting. There was a big class action suit in the US. I think it was called Bevacor or something like that. Hope this helps in your little survey. In my case I know 3 firefighters with ALS and wonder if it could be the toxic exposures. You never know. Anyway hope you are dealing with it as best you can and hang around here. Some of the people have been around a while and are a wealth of information.
Hi Guys:
Hope that Thanksgiving was good. How was Bala? I'm not sure that I've heard anything about cholesterol meds, but the toxins in some of the smoke would no surprise anybody. I'm hoping that they find some link from among all the input that everybody has had. I just shared some info with our neurologist from that olfactory stem cell contact that we'd heard of.
My wife also had to put up with some exposure to asbestos during a cleanup at her school... you'e right ... you never know!

Talk to you later.

Trees are gorgeous up in Bala. Had 3 different thanksgiving dinners. Sat was Trinidadian, Sun was Newfie and Mon was traditional Irish Canadian with our daughter and son in law and some friends. Which olfactory stem cell contact were you talking about? Must have missed that post. There is going to be a new stem cell trial soon where they take your own stem cells rejuvenate them and put them back in. I believe it is being done in Toronto.
Hi Al:
All those thanksgiving dinners might put you over gross on the next skydiving trip! Colours are still good... I work up here in YQA, its a good time of year.
There was a reference to China on one of these chat forums. Maybe whlie your hard drive crapped out. If you go the the web sites you'll find that there are supposed to be some OEC's that the Chinese are apparently using to treat ALS and SCI's with some success.
I was curious about them since my wife had olefactory issues (she couldn't smell anything which is probably how we managed to stay together so long!).
I think I know who is doing the stem cell treatment that you spoke of and it's pretty exciting. Also, it uses your own stem cells (probably from bone marrow) and it gets around the ethical issues of using fetal stem cells. Makes everybody happy! Good luck... stay dry!

Hi to everyone. Al, you mentioned possible trials in Toronto for stem cell. What information do you have about it?
Also, keep us up to date when you know where the support meeting Nov 1 is to be held.
Stem cells

The trial is mentioned in an article on June 24 under ALS News (Research)on the ALS Canada Home Page. It is supposed to start in Dec. Possibly Myrna at the ALS Clinic at Sunnybrook would be able to give more information if it is needed by anyone. She's up on most of the ALS News. Oh and by the way TBear how do you get Uxpatch from YQA? Or is that one of your aliases?
Hi Al:
No alias. Live in Uxpatch... work out of YQA (although I'll bet that there are more than a few people reading this that are wondering what the hell YQA is!). Its a bit of a commute but pretty nice this time of year... then December shows up! I check the site from time to time from the lab to see if anything is going on.
I didn't know that the stem cell study was moving ahead so quickly. I spoke to the neurologist who's doing the research at an ALS walk 2 years ago. He was very excited. I hope that the methodology is successful. It would be great to be able to involve those researchers who have ethical issues dealing with where stem cells are collected. You're right though, it would be best to talk to Myrna (I'm sure that she will appreciate this!)
Off to get something done here before it rains again!

OK I know where YQA is but where the heck is Uxpatch? I thought I had heard of all the small towns in Ont. I used to sort mail for Ont. at the post office in another lifetime. Before they made all the small towns into cities and regions. Got my flu shot on wed. Doc says PALS and primary caregivers should get it early. Might be a shortage of it later with all the stuff going on in the US.
... Upatch = Uxbridge!
Good idea to get the shot now although the CBC said that they didn't think the U.S. would be looking to us for FLU vaccine... not safe here! I'll get mine at work although when my wife was around the family doc used to line us all up in the kitchen and fire away! Small town... physicians still make house calls but it usually costs me a bottle of wine!
Glad you remembered where YQA is... we could have a whole coded conversation of places and probably airways... but I'd need to get out my VFR Supplement to decode!
Have a good one!
To PALS Mike:
my husband was taking a Cholesterol medication when diagnosed. His medication was discontinued when discharged from ICU after respiratory failure (chest wall muscle weakness) and a referral which lead to his ALS diagnosis. His neurologist says that it is just a coincidence because of the great numbers of people who are on this type drug. My husband strongly feels he would not have ALS had he not taken the Cholesterol medication.
This is an old thread, but curious if any PALS are taking Cholesterol meds? Les does, but now that is at a decent level, maybe we can stop? HUGS Lori
Yep. Hubs was taking cholesterol medicine also. High cholesterol runs in his family. His mother and his brother also take this type of medication. (I'm afraid his mother is showing signs of alzheimers now)
Hi Hopeful You said WAS is he still?
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