Hi, I am new here and I have been experiencing strange symptoms for about 3 weeks now and am waiting for appt with neurologist. I had some questions that I was hoping someone could answer. 1. With ALS does the muscle weakness come first or the twitching? 2. Yesterday I ended up in the er because my legs were hard to move and I could hardly walk. Today they are a little sore and a little heavy but much easier to move. Is this something that would improve today or would it get just get worse. 3. Both of my hands feel a little uncoordinated and the index finger and thumb of both hands are hard to control and feel stiff but my grip is fine, does this happen with als? 4. Does anyone have normal reflexes that has had symptoms of and been diagnosed with als? Any information would be great, I am being told not to worry but it is hard and I can't seem to talk to anyone who would have these answers. THanks