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May God Bless you and keep you close to Him.
I'm sorry too come back here but my fears are getting worse, I started today twitching in my lower lid of my right eye and the twitching is still happening on my arms and and legs. My left arm feels weak and I've noticed I'm dropping things. I was back at the doctor last Friday and said too the doctor about all this but he says as the bloods came back fine and did some little tests on my arms he said its nothing too worry about .
Asked and answered James. Please move on.
ALS does not present bodywide, and twitches are not an initial symptom or even symptomatic of ALS without clinical weakness, which you clearly do not have.

Cut down on caffeine, stay hydrated and foremost, take charge of your health anxiety. Twitches is a very common anxiety symptom.

If you are still worried (please get MND out of your system), as a safety rope, you can ask for bloodwork to exclude vitamin deficiencies.
May God bless you and keep you close to him.
Well -- Several of us have tried to share our experience with you and your fears.

The consensus seems to be that you need to resolve your issues with medical professionals and/or do not have ALS.

We do empathize with your fears, but there is no more we can help you with at this time.

This note is not to deter you from your investigations, but just not on this forum.

You asked, we answered, so please move on.

If you think you have a motor neuron issue, see your Primary Care Provider and get a referral to a motor neuron qualified neuro, note: most are NOT ALS/MND (Motor Neuron Disease) experienced!

Anxiety can be a real problem that can endanger your physical health. Make sure you tell your medical practioner what you are feeling as well as how you are feeling.

No need to reply. Goodbye and best regards.

onset 9/2010, diagnosed with ALS by Stanley Appel 8/29/2013
It Is What It Is ...
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