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I'm still having a hard time understanding what atrophy looks like?

Think of the pictures of starvation victims that you've seen. Their bodies have consumed their muscles because of the lack of food. Their limbs become skin and bones, literally.
Really melli, everything you are experiencing fits the standard criteria for MS. Have you tried getting a Brain MRI to check for lesions?
hi alastor-
The neuro I saw refused to call it MS and dismissed my weakness, because the my first brain MRI w/ con showed- "scattered mild punctate FLAIR hyperintense signal changes within the periventricular deep white matter & subcortical regions of the frontal lobes. Findings are nonspecific.Demyelinating process is not entirely excluded. Remainder of study is otherwise stable. No evidence of enhancing mass, CVA, or hydrocephalus". That was the radiologist report, basically throwing the hot potato to the neurologist (who is green-10 years out of med school, 5 years practicing). She said they were not MS lesions, but from what I've read, presentation of white matter changes/spots can be difficult knowing what is causing them. Now I have been feeling like my balance is being pulled backward, like I'm walking on my heels (not the shoes, the feet). Like my weight has shifted to the back of my foot. And after 6 months of this sensation, in the last 1-2 months my heels are beginning to ache more and more, and now they hurt every day and feel very cold. Now I know I was not imagining the other symptoms before this. All other blood work was normal. Any thoughts from anyone would be appreciated. Thanks!

PS: I'm due for a 6 month follow-up brain mri soon and wonder if I should go back to the DR who ordered the first one or get it done with a new neuro, who I have not seen yet?

If your brain MRI is abnormal, make an appt with an MS specialist. The MS website will list specialists in each state.
hi notme-
the thing is, the neuro that ordered the MRI didn't say it was abnormal, although the radiologist didn't say either way. Is there anyone on this board that has symptoms like me and and MRI with the things mentioned on the MRi or have familiarity with MS presentations? I keep reading that these things can mean MS, but the neuros will not call it that even if it is that, according to the "criteria"?
Mel, I'd suggest an online MS community --they'll know all the ins and outs of it with regard to questions.

At least you can likely take ALS off the table.

Go to an MS website and look up physicians in your state
hi notme-
the thing is, the neuro that ordered the MRI didn't say it was abnormal, although the radiologist didn't say either way. Is there anyone on this board that has symptoms like me and and MRI with the things mentioned on the MRi or have familiarity with MS presentations? I keep reading that these things can mean MS, but the neuros will not call it that even if it is that, according to the "criteria"?


With all due respect, the odds of your finding someone on this board with symptoms like yours are very slim. Our case histories simply aren't anything like yours and no amount of shoehorning is going to fit the ALS slipper on your condition, at least not at this time.

You've been given some good advice about looking into the possibility of MS or fibromyalgia and I hope you're looking at the support forums for those two conditions. However, you're not going to know anything for sure until some doctor somewhere diagnoses you.

That's where you should be spending your main effort, not digging through forums looking for someone who shares some symptoms with you. Get yourself to a doctor that you can trust, then be patient and let him/her do what he/she is trained to do. It may take some time because there is a possibility of multiple things going on with you, whether you want to admit it or not, so don't be so quick to write them off if they don't have an instant answer or suggest things that you don't want to hear -- like seeing a psychiatrist.

Sometimes, doctors have to eliminate other possible causes before they can be certain which fork in the diagnostic road to take next. If you tie their hands, then you're only making their task more difficult and delaying what conclusions they can reach about your condition.
I tried to post a site to go check, but it wouldn't post. The people here aren't going to be able to help you with possible MS symptoms. ALS doesn't cause any abnormalities in an MRI at all, I don't believe.
But the neuro didn't call the MRI abnormal, in respect to it being MS...and no more was said after that MRI.
So I have this weakness, making it hard to walk, & up and down stairs a lot, wobbly legs, and a sensation like my body weight has shifted to my heels(bottom of foot). If my leg muscles/glutes have lost strength, that would explain why my heels are hurting now all the time...because they are working harder to support me from the back, taking the shock the leg muscles would normally absorb...and my lower back/behind/pelvis aches too from the backside, . I'm also feeling strain in my knees and ankles... How did anyone here experience leg weakness? I have no other support or anyone I can talk to about this, I am in fear and constant worry about my presentation of symptoms :(

these aren't ALS symptoms. The folks here are concerned with and living with ALS--and it's the only one they can give you much info on. The MRI said "can not rule out demylenating condition" or something, correct?

IF you had MS--it can take YEARS to show up in MRIs--and years to diagnose as well. Heel pain is not from anything ALS related, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't cause any changes at all in a MRI.

There is a place called brain talk and they have an MS board there. Lots of people there with MS type symptoms. Have you been checked for fibro? Can't remember if I asked that. Widespread pain, stiffness and all CAN and ARE seen in fibromyalgia, too.
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