Non ALS post, a laugh for you at my expense

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Distinguished member
May 3, 2016
Loved one DX
Sometimes I just like to talk about normal things with you guys too....okay so this isn't normal but it was so hilariously awful that I figured it would give everyone a giggle

I was going to see my mom today, I am at exit 19 and she is in between exits 10 an 11. Takes maybe 40-45 minutes to get there. Every week I usually wait until I get down there to have my coffee...well today I decided to have coffee AND a big glass of OJ before I head out.....bad idea, such a bad idea! Apparently there is a HUGE accident at exit 15....I am stuck in traffic for 3 hours....around hour one I have to pee BADLY, by hour two I'm eyeing the woods on the side of the highway but realize there is just not enough hour three I have peed myself.....

I called my Uncle to tell my mom because she and her nurse were taking bets on if I could hold it or not....not sure who won. But my mom told me to turn around and go home. So I'm home now, with a dry bum, clothes in the washer and a new appreciation for leather seats
Ahh..Jenny. I am not sure if I should be giggling at your expense. I travel for a living and you would not believe how many times I have regretted that big cup of coffee. Thank goodness....I have kidneys of steel but i am sure the looks on my face was funny enough.

Hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a much better New Year
I have a bladder the size of a freaking pin head...and yes you should totally be giggling because it is in fact very very funny lol
Jenny, thanks for the laugh. Now, try googling uribag. They make them for women as well as men. Matt's endocryinologist is a hunter, and he was very excited when Matt told him about them (he hunts from a tree stand). Of course, you probably need to be in a skirt...without any undies.....
At one point I had pants and undies down with coat over my lap and a dunkin donuts coffee cup between my legs while stuck in the traffic. I'd try the uribag.
Yep, it's a good giggle at your expense. Thanks. But don't feel alone.

I had just completed a survival school in the Navy, which included a week in the desert without food. They brought us back to base on a bus. We were dirty and smelly, so they wouldn't let us into the chow hall. We all took showers, put on our dress white uniforms (all white, like in Officer and a Gentleman), and we proceeded to the chow hall.

Of course, I loaded up on meats, proteins! Gobble, gobble, oink, oink. Filled myself. Suddenly my personal aft-mounted waste disposal exit orifice exploded! Really stinky, really wet, and really brown.

I got up from the table and walked past the women's dormitories on that Sunday morning with drooping and dripping white pants. Definitely a walk of shame.
Oh my gosh, the guys must have never let you hear the end of that!
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