No further forward, symptoms worse

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Infection? Certainly there are many things related to that. The point is, quit whining, over analyzing and convincing yourself. Take a more proactive role in your life and find doctors that can isolate what ails you. Endocrinologist, gastrointestinal, etc. Isolate your real symptoms and find a doctor that specializes in this area. Many things can cause or exacerbate your symptoms. Do not self diagnosis though the Internet. Do not listen to anyone that says you have ALS including yourself. If you have to wish for Lyme's disease or West Nile Virus. Depression will not clear upby good thoughts. It is often a chemical or hormone imbalance and takes weeks or months to balance.
Also my swallowing is becoming more difficult where I feel everytime I swallow I have a lump still stuck in my throat or feel like I can swallow at all, sometime it makes a clicking

I forgot to mention that the clicking sound is exactly what you want to hear. It is an indication that mechanically your swallow is fine which boils down to neuromuscular or psychological. To help initiate the swallow hold your tongue between your teeth and swallow. You will hear the clicking. You need to work up to doing this 10 times back to back. It exercises your first group of swallowing muscles, trains your tongue to prepare for the swallow too. You can get a swallow app called iSwallow that has all the swallowing exercises used by speech therapists.
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