royalpizza said:
Hi John,
Thank you.
Dr. Turnbull is also my husbands doctor, small world.
I don't know if this is a Appropriate question. But I am going to ask any way. How did it start with you and how long to get to this point. My husband has only lost muscle in his upper left arm and lat and other then getting tired, we really don't see any other symptoms. It started last year for him....he has put a gag order on me and I am not allowed to discuss this with any family, (he thinks Dr. Turnbull is wrong) I am just feeling sick inside and I don't know what to think?
Any thoughts and all honesty are much appriciated.
Hi Bev,
I am so sorry to hear about your husband. I am so sorry for you too, sweetie, because of the way he is handling it. All I can say is right now your husband is experiencing denial, he is probably angry, too. Does he have access to the computer? Does he know that you joined this forum? Sorry for the questions, but they are very important!
I just lost my son (38 yrs) to ALS almost 2 months ago. When a person comes down with als, that individual and the family go through a lot of stages. Me, as a mom, it hit me like a train. Mine is a long story. It was not an easy road. It was hard, and very, very sad. I just joined this forum about a week ago, and wish I had done it when my son was still alive. When I dealt with my son's situation, I dealt with it on my own. My family wanted for me to see a doc for meds, and I flatly said "no!" I did a lot of crying, depression almost caused for me to lose my mind, buut I made it. I dealt with a lot. I did a lot of praying, thank God when my son was diagnosed, he called me from the doc's office, and told me, but he accepted it right then. The only thing he told me is that he wanted to live his life to the fullest, and spend a lot of time with family. Then he told me, "promise me one thing, Mom. I don't want any tears. Please accept this along with me. I see it as one of God's plans, and nothing or no one can change that." I promised him that I wouldn't cry in front of him, and I didn't.
Bev, the workout thing at the gym for someone with als is a BIG NO NO. I only hope that you will be able to talk to him. Like I said he is just having a hard time accepting this. Not all people are alike.
God bless you both. Have you told the immediate family yet? Prayers to you and yours!