Hi there and welcome to our group,
I know that you will find the support and help that you need here. We have all been there or are there or on our way there. Modifying day after day is so exhausting, I know. However, you only want the best for your Mom, and keeping her comfortable will be an all consuming thing now. Henry also could not stand the cover weight on his legs and feet. We made a little stand to lay the covers over so they would not irritate him at night. I agree with Ted, lay her on her side and place a pillow between her legs. This is really helpful for legs that drop. We used pillows and soft foam pads and sheepskin to prop Henrys legs at night, we massaged them and did leg lifts for him to help keep them supple and loose. I would also use heel cups to help stop his pressure points on his feet. This a hit or miss thing. I know that some things would work here for a time, and then bam, we had to modify again. It is something that you will get used to doing. Your focus is your Mom, and she will guide you through her discomfort and help you to understand how to help her. I hope that you are doing okay and getting enough rest. I know that it is almost an impossible feat, but, I know from experience that you have to have proper rest in order to maintain. I would get sleep some nights and some nights not. But, my main focus always was to keep Henry as comfortable as possilbe. Good luck to you. I am sure that you will come up with some homemade concoction to help her out. We always did. You will beccome very creative and very savvy with your experiments. Again, welcome, and if you ever need anything do not hesitate to ask anyone of us for help. We will be here for you.
Stay Strong,
Carol xo