New Study of Genetic Markers in ALS

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Moderator emeritus
May 25, 2004
NW of Toronto
This may have been posted here before but it is important so if there is repetition at least we didn't kill a tree to leave a paper trail. The Center for Brain Diseases at Notre Dame Hospital in Montreal Canada is looking for participants to be in a new study of the blood of ALS patients. They send you a questionnaire and a permission form to get your medical records from your Neuro and a package to get blood drawn to send back to their lab. I have a copy of an email from one of the researchers sent to me. Her contact information is on it. Anyone wishing to take part in the study can email her or phone her.
An opportunity to participate in a Canadian study doesn't come along very often. I've sent my samples in and told her I have posted information here. Some of the best research in the world on diabetes goes on in Calgary. Maybe ALS just needs some smart Canadians looking for a breakthrough. Dr Cashman in Vancouver has had a recent success with a blood test for ALS. Research is important. We all know that. Here is a chance to put your blood where your mouth is. Contact Isabelle today. AL.

This is really appreciable!

This information is for sharing and if it can help in any manner, I would be glad.

You are strongly helping us by stimulating people to participate to our research and I am grateful to you.

You have my entire assent and gratefulness.

Bests regards,

Isabelle Thibault

Project Coordinator

Center for the study of brain diseases

Research Center (CHUM) - Notre-Dame Hospital

simard Pavilion, Room Z-8911

1560 Sherbrooke St. East

Montreal (QC) H2L 4M1

Phone: (514) 890-8000 #24857

Fax: (514) 412-7602
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RE: New Study of the blood

:) Hi,

I noticed that her e-mail address was not located with her address, so here it is:

e-mail: [email protected]

Thanks for informing people of this study.
Actually I noticed that at 3 am this morning and you beat me to fixing it. Thank You and welcome to the forum. I hope everyone will contact her and participate in the study.
Hoping for breakthru

I am new to this forum. We have ALS in our family. Just wanted to let you know that our family is participating in a study of the genetics of ALS at McGill University. The study was started back in 1993.
Hi Al

Hi there, Thank you for the info I'll give it to my daughter and see if Jack would like to participate. My Best to you, Beebe
Go for it!

This sounds like the genetic study being run out of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. I wonder if these studies will merge data at some point. The more subjects the better.

I found participating to be quite simple - have some blood drawn and ship it to the study site; answer two questionairres (for Mass. Gen.) and mail them in. If you find writing strenuous, you might be able to get the questionairres emailed to you or you can dictate your responses to someone who can write for you. It cost me nothing unless you count the gas to/from the lab for the blood draw.
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