Hello everyone. I am an adult daughter and caregiver to my recently diagnosed mom. She is 58 years old and started having problems around the middle of January 07. She started having frequent falls and could not get up by herself and just generally felt weak. Six months later a muscle biopsy was done and she is officially diagnosed. Her sister died from ALS three years ago, so it is either one huge coincidence or Familial onset. She had a blood test sent to a Genetic testing lab in Massachusetts to be sure.
In January my mom was running around doing ten billion things, just as she's always done, and now she is confined to bed or a recliner with no ability to walk, very little ability to talk, and is choking and coughing, or rather, trying to cough, all the time. Her face twitches constantly and her arms and legs look like they have something crawling just under the skin non stop. She can't blow her nose and already can't drink water. The neuromuscular specialist who diagnosed her told her she is progressing very rapidly and suggested she come home and get her affairs in order. I wish someone could please tell me what to expect. I hate not knowing what tomorrow might bring.
In January my mom was running around doing ten billion things, just as she's always done, and now she is confined to bed or a recliner with no ability to walk, very little ability to talk, and is choking and coughing, or rather, trying to cough, all the time. Her face twitches constantly and her arms and legs look like they have something crawling just under the skin non stop. She can't blow her nose and already can't drink water. The neuromuscular specialist who diagnosed her told her she is progressing very rapidly and suggested she come home and get her affairs in order. I wish someone could please tell me what to expect. I hate not knowing what tomorrow might bring.