Hi i joined tHis site in nov 04 but Haven't posted mucH at all. i tHink it is time to introduce us. my Husband vic was diagnosed last year witH als after developing symptoms in tHe summer of 2003. He was a long distance runner and as of dec 2003 is in a wHeelcHair.
it Has been a year of so many cHanges and so mucH emotion. tHe disease seems to be moving ratHer fast. vic Has been a wood carver, quilter, bread maker and singer. no more. He Has sHown great fortitude but tHe losses Have been Hard to accept.
we are blessed witH a large support group of family and friends. we traded Houses witH our son last sept. as we Had a split level and tHey Had a bungalow. tHis was a great move as we Have stayed in our community and close to our kids .
i read tHe als forums every morning and get encouragement and Help. tHank you all. i Hope we can contribute over time.
my one question tHis am is about sleep difficulties. vic is on 1200mg gabapentin, 70mg baclofen and 100 mg rilutek. His nigHts are basically awful due to cramping. any ideas? we saw tHe neurologist last week and He increased tHe gabapentin. we can't see tHat it Has Helped.
wisHing you all a sunny and peaceful spring day wHerever you are.
it Has been a year of so many cHanges and so mucH emotion. tHe disease seems to be moving ratHer fast. vic Has been a wood carver, quilter, bread maker and singer. no more. He Has sHown great fortitude but tHe losses Have been Hard to accept.
we are blessed witH a large support group of family and friends. we traded Houses witH our son last sept. as we Had a split level and tHey Had a bungalow. tHis was a great move as we Have stayed in our community and close to our kids .
i read tHe als forums every morning and get encouragement and Help. tHank you all. i Hope we can contribute over time.
my one question tHis am is about sleep difficulties. vic is on 1200mg gabapentin, 70mg baclofen and 100 mg rilutek. His nigHts are basically awful due to cramping. any ideas? we saw tHe neurologist last week and He increased tHe gabapentin. we can't see tHat it Has Helped.
wisHing you all a sunny and peaceful spring day wHerever you are.