New chair lift

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Distinguished member
Feb 2, 2010
Chair lift I used last week to get down to the water. A little harder coming back up in the dark, but worth it!:lol:


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You are a very brave man!
Looks kind of scary! Glad it worked out ok and you enjoyed yourself. Take care, Kim
Oh, my, yes. A very, very brave man indeed! :)
Brave? Yes.
Crazy? Without a doubt....

One of your porter guys was wearing flip flops ... on the steep rocks! Gerrrrronnimmmooooo

Glad you had a great time and lived to tell about it.
I had my eye on the flip flop guy. Notice they had me tied in. Clam bake on the lake shore. It was crazy, but worth it.
Lovely that you have a loving crew.
I had to go back and look for the 'tie-down'! Please be assured the 'tying you in' does nothing to take away from the braveness (and craziness! :) you showed heading down those 'steps!

Glad you had a good time.
I've got to get me a multi-legged chair lift that...flip flops and all.
I'd say you are just a little bit spoiled! (I'm sure you deserve it!) Looks like a beautiful location.
try it blindfolded next time, it may be as fun as an amusement ride!
that is one of the best photos I've seen!

what a ride, and it always gives me such a smile when I see people joining in and doing crazy fun stuff as you can all laugh about that together rather than sit and wish you could get down to the water.

Looks like a gorgeous location, thanks for sharing it really did me good to see it!
Hey, you could have made a zip line and hooked a sling to it, then get the guys to wait at the bottom, to stop you. Family and friends are invaluable! We have done the same with Tim, but never had anyone left over to take a picture.
the picture reminds me of an old Cesar movie--4 big strong porters carrying the king. too bad they were not just wearing loin cloths (at least for us girls lol)

You are very lucky to have such good helpers! :)
I had almost the same lift system a few weeks ago at our summer place. Looks like a similar set up with our dock and boat at the bottom of a steep set of rock steps and the house at the top. Two men would carry me using a fireman's lift and my scooter was carried up or down separately. My daughter suggested installing a zip line.

Loin clothes wouldn't do anything for me. Perhaps dancing girls with fans though.
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