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Active member
May 29, 2007
Hello everyone, hope everything is going well.. I finally got my neurologist appointment set up for the 27th of this month, it sucks so bad that its 2 weeks away, but everyone here has told me its a big waiting game. I am going to stop assuming i have ALS, i want to think positive through this whole mess that was i can start feeling better about things. I do have some questions however that hopefully some of you can answer.

1.) I am having severe muscle pains in both of my calves and in my left shoulder. Almost to the point where it is hard to walk and use my arm, is this usually a ALS symptom? The pain is almost like a pulling sensation where i can feel my muscles tightening up. My arm just feels like someone has "sucker punched" me in the shoulder.

2.) I will most likely have a EMG test done, does this test just pick up fasciculations that the doctors cant see? Or does it pick up something else that diagnoses ALS? I guess what i am asking is... if i get hooked up to the EMG and my arm starts in spasms does that mean a automatic ALS diagnoses? Also so i will be mentally prepared, does this test hurt like hell? lol

Thanks for all the help through all of this, if anyone gets a chance to answer im not asking if I have ALS, i just want to know where all this pain is comming from. Like i said i want to keep positive and i just need some encouragement through all of this and everyone is really helping me here, thank you so much!
1) ALS causes many muscular issues, from A to Z and they are different for everybody. Have you been checked for lyme, if not do it.

2) the EMG sees all kind of differnet activites, and certain activity means different things. It will see fasics if they are in the area. Also, Fibrilations and Postive Sharp Wavs are a characteristic of ALS.

Just don't worry, go to the testing, try to focus on living



You could be having cramps in a large muscle or spasms. I've had to massage these out of husband's back and arms before.

The EMG may be "uncomfortable" as the docs like say. You may feel pretty tender in your muscles afterwards. The EMG will measure ANY activity. So a muscle at rest should show exhibit none.

Good Luck!

The pain or discomfort wont really matter to me compared to all of the anxiety that will be released afterwards lol..

Jimercat that kinda frightens me that your husband has the same pains, but i came looking for answers and thats what i got! On the plus side (To make myself feel better) i see no atrophy in that arm plus i can pick up 40 pounds easily in both my left arm and right arm (lifted weights for a bit today :mrgreen: ) It doesn't feel like a cramping pain, however it does feel like a sharp pain or dull ache at times... it hurt me all day! Also when i lay on my arm i have noticed i start having 2x the twitches? I even woke up the other night and was not able to move the arm hardly at all but i didnt feel the sleepy/tingle feeling you get when a limb "falls asleep". I am starting to suspect a possible pinched nerve and thats what i am hoping for.

Other updates on how i am feeling include my hands and feet no longer cramping up or twitching.. i am able to control them like i could before all this crap started. The twitching all over my body is slowing down with the exception of my left shoulder which is scary but is to be expected. My calf muscles are not hurting today.. i feel like i could run all night, plus i was on my feet all day. My tongue has also stopped going into spasms so all that is left is the occasional twitch in my body and my left shoulder bothering me!

annmarie, i am glad i could brighten your day for just a little bit by my name! To be honest thats why i use the monkey name cause it makes me laugh.
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