Need to talk!.

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Apr 28, 2006

I am having a bad day :cry: we just put are house up for sell. This is are first house that we bought . We have a lot of memories here and a lot of love in it. It's a 2 story, getting hard to go down stairs so looking for a 1 story. Worried about family, work, oh just everything. I feel so overwhelmed. mind won't stop running. :( my diagnosed was confirmed on 7/27/06. I am scared! but i try to take one day at a time. and with a positive attitude. But today I am not feeling very positive. I also fear my job is going to find out. well thanks for letting me share. I hope tomorrow is better.

Best Wishes and loving thoughts to everyone..

PS thanks Al for the help it worked:)
Courage, SIM455!:)
I am in the same situation as you. After 34 years in my house, I cannot go up any more staircases. I decided to sell and to buy an apartment. I say to myself that it is the most reasonable solution for me and my wife.
A small new life begins with more memories and more love !

Hello and please let me say "welcome" to this forum. You've found a wonderful place to come to for love, support, advice, etc.

I'm sorry that you've had to put your house up for sell - but, the memories will not go with the sell. The memories will be forever in your HEART! Worldly things will not make us happy - it is our families, friends, God, etc. It sounds like it's something that has to be done since you can't walk stairs! I am sure it will work out for the best.

My husband was diagnosed in June 2006 (50 years old). YES, I agree - it is very overwhelming. We are trying to just take one day at a time! We decided from the beginning NOT to be "doom and gloom" but we chose to walk this journey with a positive attitude. Not saying we won't have bad days - but, we want to concentrate on the blessings of life and enjoy our time together and not waste any precious time complaining or asking why? It doesn't accomplish anything. We've had 31 wonderful years together with no regrets!

NONE of us have a promise of tomorrow. We should just live like each day is our last day.

You don't have to be alone in this - seek comfort from your loved ones...friends, family, etc. And, of course - your "friends" on this forum.

Sounds like your symptoms started in your legs? My husband's started in his arms and hands.

Glad to meet you - hope this finds you having a better day!

moving out and moving on


so sorry to hear of the disappointing fact that you have to sell your house. if it was me, i'd take a picture of each room, put it in an album or a frame and use it from time to time to jump start all those memories you've made there. it certainly is your history but that's what history is for... to take with us into the future! let the tears flow as much as they come and when they're all dried up, get excited about the new surroundings in your new home and start focusing on new memories. it's healthy to be sad and worried but soon after, you will be happy and curious about your new future.

we're all here to listen and support. use us!

love to your and your family...
Hi slm455,
I am in the same situatiion as you. My husband and I spent most of today talking about what we should do..renovate or move. It seems to make more sense to move, even though we have 40 years of memories in this house.
These decisions are not easy to make, and there seem to be so many to make these days.
I hope for you a better day tomorrow.
Keep us posted.
Hugs and prayers,
Hi, sorry your having a bad day, we all have them.

Cant you have a stair lift or floor lift installed in your home instead of loosing the home you love and treasure very much ?
We sold and moved for this exact reason. It has been a wonderful experience. The new home has a much more open floor plan and all things I need are on one floor. It is brighter and cheerier!
We would haved stayed in our other house but it was not feasible to renovate so this was our only viable option! It was an exteme amount of stress and we questioned our sanity for doing it, but now (after 5 months) we are so thankful we did!

We are making new memories and are relishing the ones we had in our other house.

It is turning out to be a very positive experience! Don't be afraid of moving!

I will pray it turns out to be a positive experience for you too!
Thank you all.

I am very happy to have found this site. Everyones thoughts are very heart warming to me and they mean a lot. I was diagnosed with bulbar als and I have some weakness in my arm and leg. Me and my husband have mulled over selling or adding on but thats almost as expensive as buying another house. So after months of talking about it we decided to sell. I have looked into a stair lift but my stairs won't accommodate the tracking system, and the one that mounts to the wall would not work cause it would almost block a walkway. great idea about taking pictures I am going to do that:-D .:. I know everything it will all work out, it' just that first step thats hard. With my family and friends and my new friends here I will keep my hopes up and everyone in my thoughts and prayers.

Best wishes and loving thoughts to you all:-D

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