I hope you do not mind me asking for a bit of help tonight. I have recently been diagnosed with als, september. Well in the last few months my wife and I have had a hard time accepting this diagnosis. Yes we are very upset and we are trying hard to cope with this. There has been many upsets with lack of support and so on and so on but one thing that we do not understand is the second opinion and what was said by the doctor. He says there is clinical evidence of motor neouron disease in upper limbs. No bulbar sparing at this time. I have twitching in both arms and chest area. Loss of motor skills in fingers of left hand. Fatige which I think is due to being depressed partly. He says , strickly speaking, the dissemination in space does not fuflfill criteria for als. Certainly this seems to be the leading diagnostic consideration and it is difficult to conceive of an alternate diagnostic possiblility. In such cases, observation over time remains important .
If you all do not mind would someone be able to help me understand what this doctor is saying. I understood it as he is not sure it is als I could be wrong.
If you all do not mind would someone be able to help me understand what this doctor is saying. I understood it as he is not sure it is als I could be wrong.