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New member
May 29, 2017
Learn about ALS
Hi all

Im one my early 20s from phils.

I would lile to know if you think this is als or have experienced this symptoms before.

Noticed that I cant pronounce words properly sometimes. For example last week I was eating on a fastfood andano cant pronouce excuse me. Just excu. I also have drooling everyday since I sleep side ways and have pulse like fascination on lips and finger tips ang stomach and muscle twitch on shoulder and legs some times. My lips are asymmetric and my tongue has been scalloped and have deep line on the sides and dimples on the center will try to post pictures later. Also I have like very toned muscles on legs I dont know if its atrophy sinces im skinny. I also gets fatigue doing repetitive task such as tired shoulder while brushing. I also ave very minimal tremor that can be observe if im holding paper. I also noticed my grip is getting weaker. I have read clinical weakness vs perceived but is it possible to have perceived weakness first and as time goes by you will experience clinical? or its just one day you wake up and cant do things you used to do. I am very active all my life and still manage to do push ups 50+.

I will try to post pictures of my tongue legs ang hands later to see if its atrophy since its like they have dimples and dents


Ps. If you are from ph can you recommend a good neurologist since its hard to find Neuro in our province so I have to travel 5 hours to manila.
Hi, OOTW, the hallmark of ALS is clinical, not perceived weakness. There are many possible causes of your issues, that may not mean an illness at all. I would suggest visiting a good internist in your area before traveling to Manilla, who can assess your tongue, muscles and strength, and do lab work to see if you have any abnormalities.

Hi laurie

Thank you so much. I will do that. But is theres a chance that its als? My location is a rural area on a third world country that is why I would like to ask for opinion before going to doctor.

I can't rule out anything via the Internet, but I see no reason to think so.
Hi all,

Attached is some of my picture do you see an atrophy?

And also i have clonus when im raising my heel and putting pressure on toes and tried deep tendon test and my reflex is hyper.



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Hello Out, it is said a picture is worth a thousand words, but not when talking about , do I have ALS, sorry they mean nothing.
Not related to this post but I see where you posted in April that you were thinking about a wheelchair lift. I have one posted in the medical equipment for sale forum if you want to go take a look.
Hi Adconley,

Im sorry but this is my first post.

Hi all,

Do you consider this as a clonus or hyperreflexia.

Are the steps to getting this effect something like this?
1. Sit down
2. Press down on the ball of your foot or toes so that your heel rises. Your foot should now be in a tiptoe position.
3. Raise your heel up to a certain height while keeping the front of your foot pressed on the ground, i.e., raise the heel but maintain the tiptoe position.
4. Once you reach a certain point your leg will begin to bounce up and down involuntarily, sometimes at a very high rate. You feel like you could stop by taking your foot out of the tiptoe position, but as long as it is in this position it will continue to bounce.

I have this similar symptoms but the the test for clonus is quite different so im not so sure if i have clonus

Thank you all
You can't test yourself for clonus or hyperreflexia. You need to stop all the searching and see a doctor. A regular doctor - gp, internist whatever you call them- not a specialist. They will be perfectly capable of doing an exam to see if there are any of things you are worried about. Surely there is a gp closer than Manila.
Thank you nikki.

I will keep you posted once I have already visited a pcc.

I appreciated it a lot.
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