Neck Brace--Home made collar

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homemade neck brace

My Mom is having a terrible time with holding her head up. It falls forward and to one side. We've tried other things but they only make her feel like she can't breathe or constricted. PLEASE send me the pics to the collar. I really would like to try this for her.Thanks so much for this forum. I'm glad I found you all.
I have the directions and pictures on my home computer. I'll be able to send them later. Tonight is "Book Club," something my friend and I started in anticipation of me not beign able to get around much, so I might not get to it until tomorrow AM. Hope this is OK. Cindy
Hi all,
I bought one of these for mom off e-b ay cost about 60 bucks but sure helped with transferring and bathing.
It is universal and quite adjustable, my only regret was i did not get it earlier. It adjusts up and down with a dial. it was quite well made.
A custom one was to be between 4 and 6 hundred and it seemed excessive


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Hi Cindy,
I can't see any pictures of the neck brace. My fiance' (who has ALS) and I looking for a neck brace but have not found one that works for him. He complains about constant neck pain and has so much troube eating because he can't hold up his head when he eats. Your help would be much appreciated. Thank you
Hi, Cindy. I would so appreciative if you could send those pics to me. Also I see that BOSE needs them, too (posted today). God bless. Nan

Hi Cindy - I'm another PALS that can't open the pictures. If and when you get time would you kindly e-mail them to me too? No rush.
Thank you so much.
Sorry, folks. I will take care of this as soon as I get home. The pictures are on one computer and I end up working from another. You would think I could remember to bring them on a disk or something? Old age I guess. :smile:
Thank you! I got it!
I tried to send them to all three of you, but I am not sure yours went through, Deb. Let me know if you need me to re-send them.

That is perfect! I'm going to get that for hubby! Thank you so much for the info!
Thanks Cindy thats great i'll print them out and pass them on. :)
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