Naturupathic Doctor in Toronto?

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Jun 20, 2005

Can anyone recommend a naturopathic doctor practicing in Toronto with experience in treating ALS?

I have been doing a lot of research and there seem to be two types of outfits out there. Spa type clinics for people with too much money who are afraid of aging and dodgy places trying to take advantage of gullible people.

Any referrals would be appreciated.


Hi Richard. I don't know of any Homeopathic or Natureopathic doctors in Toronto that have any experience in treating AlS. If you go to the Clinic at Sunnybrook possibly Myrna Moore would have some info on that. A lot of people go through the clinic and maybe someone has mentioned to her that they have found someone reliable. If you don't go to the clinic call the Neuromuscular department and ask for Myrna or Olive and they might be able to help. Good luck and if you do find someone a note here might help someone else so keep us posted.
Thanks for the reply Al.

I did speak with Myrna - but she did not know anyone off hand.

Been to see a few NDs - very nice but they were more into trying to make my remaining days more comfortable - to heck with that - I get that kind of complacency from my MDs - I need something a little more dynamic (while safe).

Waiting for the results of a hair analysis - see what turns up and then I will take it from there....
I read your posts on the other thread, it was getting a bit complicated to follow, although it did pose reasonable questions.
Toxicity has been a suggestion to the cause of ALS, exposure such as Al as a fireman, and others in a variety of similar occupations.
I watched a show tonight about Lou Gehrig and the disease, and one comment was that they found a high ratio of Italian soccer players which have been diagnosed, something like 6-1 against their population. A similar study amongs other Europeans teams has not found the same coorelation.
I guess what I am trying to say is exposure to toxins would not surprise any one, but what the heck is with soccer players. The fresh air? This is such a random disease, I suppose that those who do cleanse their bodies of unnatural components, may stand a better chance at slowing the progession under the guidelines of medical staff willing to look not only at traditional medicine, but natural ones also. There seems to be a fight between the two methods, perhaps. everyone would be better off if they joined together.
I do not have ALS but can attest to being pregnant with horrific leg cramps which left me immobile for days. The doctor said it was a calcium issue. It surely could not have been lack there of, for the standing joke was I needed a cow in my yard to keep me in milk supply.
Question, and this came up in a conversation I had with my friend with ALS, who was told to watch his intake of meat, protein. Why? Is it not suppose to help build muscle?
Theresa - Sounds well put to me. How have you been doing? How is work? And your girls? Melissa
Hi Melissa, how are you doing? The kids are fine, out of school, not home or sleeping, work is a nightmare, but what else is new.
I better get back there.........
Soccer players usually play and practice on grass. I wonder if the Italians use some different pesticide or fertilizer that would show up with proper testing? Just a thought as there are supposedly a lot of farmers and heavy gardeners that come down with it.
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