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Jul 24, 2018
Lost a loved one
My PALS experiences random bouts of severe nasal congestion. He takes an antihistamine but no decongestant. When this occurs, it is difficult for him to use the Trilogy because it is easier to use when breathing through his nose than his mouth. It is also difficult to blow his nose due to the decrease in his lung capacity. Any suggestions on how to relieve his nasal congestion? I thought I read where decongestants were not recommended to PALS but I may be wrong. He doesn't feel like he has a cold virus, just nasal congestion and would really like some relief.
Thanks friends!
Things to think about include making sure the humidification and furnace filters in the home are up to par, use a nasal steroid like Nasacort, suck up the mucus with a baby bulb aspirator (baby section of the drug store), likewise keep up with the humidification and filter cleaning/replacement of the Trilogy. And moving the head of the bed or chair he is using to an angle where the mucus is easier to blow out, when he does try.

Staying well hydrated and using pineapple or papaya juice can help keep the mucus thin. For some people, dairy makes it worse, but for others, not. There can also be trigger foods that are more spicy, etc.

I am sure I am forgetting things but others will chime in...

Sounds good Laurie. The only other thing I can think of is to use a saline spray like Ocean, or equivalent. Squirt that in each nostril prior to using the baby bulb aspirator, and then follow that with the nasal steroids. Either Nasacort or Flonase are both good choices.
I found that taking a Zyrtec between 4 and 5 PM has helped me. I am a little plugged when I put the mask on, but by morning am breathing through the nose.
Do you ever feel like your brain is filled with tons of information, data, suggestions...things to remember...and you just pray the right piece of information rises to the top at the right time? I remembered after reading these replies that we have a script for Dymista that my PALS used about a year ago when he had congestion at night. So, I think I will get him back on it in the am and pm and try to get him to stay on it for a while. He tends to get impatient if there aren't immediate results. I will also try some of your other suggestions. Thank you all so much.
Regarding pineapple/papaya juices...I had read they may help with mucous in the throat but do they also help with nasal congestion?
Those juices don’t help me at all.
Katy, it's not so much that pineapple/papaya helps with nasal congestion as that if your PALS has it, he's likely to get some drip buildup in your throat, which they do help with. Also, hydration is key to thinning everything out, and many people find pineapple juice very drinkable, if they are still swallowing.
Have you tried Vicks Vapor Rub? I wear a mask attached to my AVAP machine all day and night and it helps q lot for nasal congestion. My pulmonologist suggested it.
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