boxer22 Active member Joined Jun 2, 2007 Messages 83 Reason Learn about ALS Country US State nc City raleigh Jun 4, 2007 #1 Is this part of ALS? Body jerks like the kind when you are falling asleep but your not asleep when it happens? Thanks Ashley
Is this part of ALS? Body jerks like the kind when you are falling asleep but your not asleep when it happens? Thanks Ashley
V vmd Senior member Joined Apr 27, 2007 Messages 581 Reason Other Country US State idaho City N/A Jun 5, 2007 #2 I am not certain, but I believe myoclonus is not as significant a symptom in als as it is in other conditions. However, clonus is one of the symptoms of als. In neurology they distinguish between clonus and myoclonus.
I am not certain, but I believe myoclonus is not as significant a symptom in als as it is in other conditions. However, clonus is one of the symptoms of als. In neurology they distinguish between clonus and myoclonus.