my vist to the atlanta als clinic

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Distinguished member
Jan 14, 2007
my visit lasted only 30 minutes with the doctor they did no emg are anything once they found out i wasnt reffered he checked my reflexes looked at my tounge had me whisle and told me i didnt have any mnd i told him about my swallowing and speech and he told me my speech was fine and he didnt see any twithing the only test they done was a pulmonary function test and sent me home i drove 5 hours and stayed in a motel room for that.i seen DR. GLASS wich heads up the als clinic and he told me it might be stress.
Hi Zac -

I thought you were already cleared and this is now confirmed and you have one more appointment to go. Hope after all this your mind can finally be at ease. Best wishes to you.

Liz :)
Hey Zac,

Really nice news, wow I am happy for you ;)


although Dr. Glass isn't God, I would trust his evaluation. He sees many patients that have or do not have ALS. His credentials show that he is an expert in this disease. He's not just a neurosurgeon or neurologist. He is a specialist in his field and a researcher.

I would say thank God you do not have ALS!

you do have a point jimmercat,his nurse said they follow 200 hundrend patiants with als.he told me that twithing with als doesnt stop it keeps on going once it starts.i am glad that i do not have it,but i will be happy when they find a cure for this horrific disease.

has your twitching stopped?

YOu should be OK. I was told the same thing by the ALS spec. Your probably ok, but if things get worse, call them back.

good luck

Zac, That is great news. I am a patient of Dr. Glass and believe me if he thought you had it, he would have done more test. My daughter met him this past Sat. and he told her it breaks his heart to tell people they have ALS, but that is what I specialize in and I have to be upfront and honest. Did you meet Nicole? They have been great to me.
Take care of yourself. Rhonda
yes i met nicole she is the sweetest person and was pretty much up front when he told me he thought it was depression and he said my speech sounded fine to him it is not slurred but sometimes the wrong words come out are they just all come out twithes have really slowed down alot i thought they were gone at one time but they are there some .
also he said i had a completly normal evaluation and i was strong everything was normal.
Well, your not get any more definitive clearance than that! That's fantastic news, Zac. :-D

I'm glad for you Zac.

I wish we could all see such a doctor that could fairly quickly tell what is actually going on.

Congratulations on your evaluation...All the best as you move on in your life! As you found from this forum, there are some awesome people out there. You'll find them as you found us. Take care of yourself and In Joy your journey!

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