My mom's legs

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Sep 17, 2005
My mom can barely walk, only to hold onto her walker to get her to her chair or potty chair. But now her legs are giving out more and more, and I fear that soon they will not work at all. Then what? We have a sliding board, but I'm just so scared. Everytime I get used to something it changes. I can't support her weight by myself, and neither can my dad. I just don't know what to do next. I hate this disease, it's so unfair. My mom was a very active, vivacious lady, and now all she can do is sit. Ok, enough of my complaining. I know you have all been through the same thing or something similar. Please help me know what I should do and how I should feel when her legs do go.
Thank you all so much
I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. My Mom also went through that stage. The O.T. got involved and supplied us with a transfer disc that helped get her from point A to point B. She stood on this disc and it rotated or swiveled her. Mom just hung on to us. This worked for awhile. It was great when we had to transfer her into a vehicle or also onto the commode.
I would suggest you contact Home Care in your area. If they are anything like our Home Care they come equipped with all sorts of different gadgets and ideas. I cannot say enough good things about the quality of care they provide. An electric wheel chair has to be one of the greatest inventions for ALS patients. This still gives them some mobility and independence. This was also provided by our Health Care System.
I wish you and your family all the best and our hearts go out to you.
Hi Nic01

The ALS society here just loaned my Dad a rechargeable battery powered lift. We had tracks installed above his bed and also above his reclining chair (also from the ALS society). It is extremely easy to use as a sling is attached to him which is hooked to the lift which is hooked to the ceiling track. Once he is in the air it is so easy to manouver him to either his wheelchair or the commode or his bed. Check with the closest society to your area - it really is amazing what they have to offer. Hope this helps.

Hi Bear2 You haven't been around for a while. Hope everything is going ok for you and your dad. Or as well as can be expected in our situations.
Give us an update when you get a few minutes. We like to know how some of the longer time members are doing. We've gotton quite a few new members since the summer but some of us old troopers are still here.
[quote:83886dd0c1="nic01"]My mom can barely walk, only to hold onto her walker to get her to her chair or potty chair. But now her legs are giving out more and more, and I fear that soon they will not work at all. Then what? We have a sliding board, but I'm just so scared. Everytime I get used to something it changes. I can't support her weight by myself, and neither can my dad. I just don't know what to do next. I hate this disease, it's so unfair. My mom was a very active, vivacious lady, and now all she can do is sit. Ok, enough of my complaining. I know you have all been through the same thing or something similar. Please help me know what I should do and how I should feel when her legs do go.
Thank you all so much

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