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Marjorie, thanks for all your input and sharing. I'm giving my mom all the love and support I can, we are very close and so this is really difficult at this stage and I'm sure the stages ahead as well.

thanks again
do you mind if i ask who her neuro is? i'm from phoenix too - received my diagnosis in july. sorry to hear about your mom. just a suggestion because its something i am having a bit of a struggle with it....let her talk about kids dont like hearing about it. one is in denial and the other just plain can't bear it. i know this will get better. good luck to you - lots of love and support on this forum.:grin:
welcome sorry to hear about your mom's diagnosis. i just moved from phoenix. i dont know what neuro she is seeing, but i can tell you that todd levine of phx neurological is the best you'll find. i absolutely loved him, and his staff is number 1 and made me feel so special.

Hi Glenna, I'm still learning how to get around on this forum, so forgive me if this is a round about way to respond to you.

Yes my Mom's Dr. is Todd Levine...thanks very much for your thought about him, makes us feel much better..

Thanks trtt
your mom is very lucky to have dr. levine. please tell him that Glenna B. misses him! He will know who I am. his ALS clinic is also fantastic and the staff there is very caring as well......GREAT people.
hi trtt i was diagnosed aug09 with als im 47 yrs old i truely believe in sretching your your limbs will stiffin up that is a must .i take reltek i think thats how you spelll it as for vitamins the ones you find on your local store is garbage try to look on your pc for pharmacuetical vitamins they are usda approved and have to be 99 percent pure. make sure to keep your weight up and stable .i also take b12 50 mg dont wiast your money on cq10 salmon oil works better i take it with each of my meals also i take vitamin d3 1000mg pharmacuetical grade ask your nuerologist about it and all that i discussed with you so far i feel pretty good health wise except the als effected my speech the worst i can still talk eart whatever but i sound like a drunk at times. i wish you the best but i would really discuss it with your doc. when my legs and joints relly hurt there is a drug called baclofen works well makes you a little tired but thats all most important stay positive and live life to its fullest your friend jeffp
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