new hospice nurse OK. I like to be in control of my health decisions so she will have to get used to that!
had scariest episode yet last night as they were getting me settled in chair. Big mucous plug blocking airway but they thought I was just uncomfortable in chair. Couldn't make a sound. My sister even said let me finish this soup and I'll help !
caregiver figured it out bent me forward and pounded My back. Then straight to cough machine. First attempt didn't work since airway blocked. Finally got thru and even laughed about sisters soup Comments later.
upped dose of prescription Mucinex and all is thinned out today,. Very scary at the time.!!
Oh so glad you are ok. You need some kind of back up plan. If you can make a signal that means emergency that would be great. If you only have one way of indicating a need everyone needs to be taught to ask is this an emergency?
I agree with Nikki about having some signal, and that everyone get used to asking - is this an emergency. whew, glad you are laughing to tell such a tale xxx