My Dad is writing a book

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New member
Aug 20, 2008
Fairfax Station
Some company hooked my dad up with a really cool device, that hooks up to his laptop. He is able to move his head and click using a small sticker on his hat.

On the computer screen he pulls up the screen keyboard, and started writing a book a while ago. He has written over 100 pages now. It's about his life and ALS and how he and his family have dealt with it.

Once he finishes, I'm going to get it published, and I suggest everyone read it. He hasn't let me read it yet, but I have seen bits and pieces of it and it looks really good.

I would tell you the title but It's to good I don't want to run the risk of getting it stolen.
I wish you and your dad the best with this. I think it is important to share your story with others.

How long has your dad had als?

good luck,

That is so great that your dad is writing about his life! It will be something your family will treasure for generations, and if you get it published, it will help other people, too.

I agree ... don't spoil it by giving away the title or details till he is ready for others to read it!

Good luck to you both,
i have read a couple of pals books.
one called "rowing without oars" about a swedish women who lived in canada for a while and was a reporter,she was about 40yrs old and had young children.
it's heartbreaking to read such books but they not only bring awareness to als,but help everyone who reads them to think about the important things in life and how precious life is.
your dad is doing a wonderfull thing sharing his story and i wish him all the best with it.
take good care of yourself and your dad.
That's great! Look forward to seeing your Dad's book in print!

Wish you well son!
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