My CT-Scan shows nothing!

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Distinguished member
Jan 8, 2008
Well, nothing wrong anyway but I do have a concussion.

Diane and I went to Fry's last night to take a look at Sony's new eBook reader. I got out of the car, closed the door, faced the car to lean on it and lost my balance and fell straight backwards. My head hit the asphalt hard and bled and bled. A good Samaritan came by and really helped and dialed 911. I sat on the ground for a long time while people applied pressure on the cut. The firetruck and EMS came and helped taking my vitals and checking me out. They bandaged me up and got me up and back into our car for the trip to the ER.

The ER (Placentia-Linda) was very nice and NOT BUSY! More vitals were taken and the Doctor put in about 10-11 staples to close the cut. He ordered a CT-Scan which came back abnormal until they found a TYPO. It should have said, "normal"! I came home and went to bed - Diane woke me up every 2 hours to check on me. I am OK now but I am more unsteady and dizzzy........
Sorry to hear about the fall. I never did a real good one like you did but they sure do hurt. Hope you're taking it easy. Might be time to start waiting until someone's close enough to help if you do it again.

Sorry To Hear You Fell
I Did The Same But My Ct Showed A Bleed
We Need To Be Careful


Ouch! Please be careful. If you continue to feel unsteady and Dizzy go back and get another CT.
oh my goodness! Be careful,buddy. I hope your recovery is fast and be sure and followup and watch for other changes, etc. that I am sure they put on your discharge papers.
Thanks Al, I've learned, albeit the hard way.

Sorry to hear about the fall. I never did a real good one like you did but they sure do hurt. Hope you're taking it easy. Might be time to start waiting until someone's close enough to help if you do it again.

Yikes! My german noggin is so hard! My first fall of many was before diagnosed and I fell forward, put my teeth through my upper lip and back in, and two broke off inside the lip.After that I seemed to develop a cat like reflex-seemed to begin to fall (always backward after that) and would pivot mid fall, landing on my side or back! That is, until I landed on my bedroom floor after a shower, alone, and unable to get myself up. Never moved around without an assistive device again-not worth it for me!
Jenny Hoff
OMG ... and you're SMILING in that photo ?!? Are you trying to compete with Pat and Capt. Al ? Please, PDaddy and everybody: Be careful ... it's dangerous out there.
My goodness---even with all blood, you're one handsome fellow. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Ten stitches in the noggin has to hurt.
i am so sorry for you, looks painful. I also have done something similar as well, only the other direction.....flat on my face. In a walmart store full of people, just inside the entrance. My face was every shade of purple and blue and some green in there to. The toe of my foot drug the floor and down I went. I think I knocked myself out, I don't remember hitting the floor.

To paraphrase the old song "you fought the road and the road won". We're all glad that you're ok and hope that you can get rid of the 80's look (or is it the karate kid?) headband soon.
ouch is right! Please take it easy and rest this weekend. I hear there's a pretty good football game on sunday to watch.:)
Pat, I guess we should expect that you would be smiling, even with a swath of blood down the front of your shirt, and your head all wrapped up! ( I echo Barry's entire post, BTW! )

Hopefully you can keep a nice manly scar from this, although you might want to work a little bit on the story of how you came to have it!

.... and don't do that anymore! .... and get better! please :)
Hi Pdaddy, took an ugly fall, eh? So sorry to hear that. Thank God for the Good Samaritan! Isn't it nice when God places them Angels on the spot when needed? By the way, a quick recovery to you, and I pray that He guides you wherever you go. Prayers to you and yours!

Oh, wow! Look at all that blood! God bless you! I can't get over that smile on your face.............again, God bless!

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