Much Love for Gooseberry

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Love your new avatar Steph :)

We are all thinking of you every day xxx
Thanks Tillie. I am still in go,go,go mode trying to get stuff done. J and I aee getting away for a few days. It is a new place and a new beginning. He is having bad nightmares so I hope this will help him.
hugs to you Steph
Poor kid, did he have nightmares before while Steve was with you?
I hope he can talk about them with his counsellor.

A little get away sounds so lovely - you truly need to be kind to yourself xxx
Nope, no nightmares before hand.
It pays to remember that we as CALS often have a post traumatic reaction, it would follow that a child that was deeply involved would too. Hug Julien for me, he has been so wonderful for you and Steve, and such grieving for him now he doesn't have dad there.

I hope you got that massage?
Julien's nightmares are quite vivid and graphic. The therapist has been most helpful...we are at 2x a week right now. He loved the massage and was nightmare free for 3 nights. Maybe I need a masseuse license. :)

Tillie my massage is in 10 days
Nah, you don't need a licence just a massage table (you can buy them quite reasonably online) and the ability to care :)
I may look at some . I used to give him massages when he was little to calm him.
Our thoughts and condolences to you Gooseberry as we learn of the passing of Steve; may you be comforted by the presence of your loved ones, family and friends. Steve is now free from the diseased ravaged body, and I certainly believe as Soul, he will soar like an eagle. May the wonderful memories fill your spirit and know your strengths come from the many challenges you faced. May the Blessings be. There are so many golden hearts in this forum.
Much love to you, so sorry for your loss xxx
It's so hard to come back to this forum and read of more losses! Goose, love and hugs!
It seems to get harder and harder. The people here are such amazingly strong people, that show what true bravery is.
weeping. sorry I wasn't here to support earlier/
What a horrible shock and loss. Sending my warm thoughts across the miles.

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