Clever Jeannie! I wonder if anyone will buy it! Would be great if we could just sell it off though. How are you dong? Hope your doing okay and hanging in there.
Hi all, it wasn't my idea or listing, Kim came up with the great Idea, bids have been made £51 Approximately US $88.70 so far :-D (sorry i thought i posted build link here)
Tbear, amazing, i live approx 14 miles from Cambridge, I dont suppose you went to the London underground? as you would of seen large posters of fellow sufferer John Bell
Carol, I'm doing fine thank you, still hanging in on :-D hope you are well.
Hi Jeannie:
With 4 of us, it was cheaper to take a cab from Kings Cross to where we were going than to take the underground. I missed the poster. I was staying with friends in Stapleford which must be close to 14 miles from Cambridge as well... amazing!